First off, a big congrads to CWISGOOD. for making it close. Even with a few hours remaining, the lead kept changing back and forth. it was quite fun to keep track of. KirsGP made a few big plays at the end to take the victory though. I also did not coun the
negative 200 points given to cwisgood for reffering to himself as LotB even after warnsings. This dropped his score by 20 more points, leaving him well in second, but well out of first place
krisgp 220.32
cwisogod 182.4444444
rachel 138.1438356
everconfused 71.77777778
sir_micheal 69.75185185
scholastic 67.31052632
discordantnote 65.46666667
Anoohilator 63.2125
hidden neggs 52.68333333
lovio 48.37777778
Moogie 47.3
kalathalan 41.6
Zega 41.4
requim 40.7
DM 40.3
Gemma 38.4
Clucky 31.74193548
Wind 31.08
Trinity 25.46666667
Qanda 24.17142857
LITS 22.8
yesitish 21.74444444
Ducky 17.6
TDG 14.3
sock 13.2
Alex 9.3
Matt 7.7
Adoration 4.4
dawn 4.4
Kugetsu 3.3
Zorg 2.2
Blk_mage 1.1
WIS 1.1
twinkle 0
kirsgp: 1944
cwisgood: 1419
rachel: 1215
cwisgood: 90
kirsgp: 75
rachel: 73
only 6 people, everconfused, requim, Zega, DM, Moogie and Kalathalan finished with a higher avg than krisgp. the highest of those, everyconfused, had only 8 posts.
Anyways, once again a big congrads to krisgp. Thanks for spamming guys-it was fun to run!