VeraX wrote:
...Chill out.
Your stressing about this, and stress does funny things to your body, so most of this is probably self-inflicted.
So easy to say for someone who hasn't gone through something like this. No offense, VeraX and I do agree that stress can do amazing things to your body. But, many, many people, including doctors, dismiss true illness due to stress, PMS, depression--instead of seeing what is actually happening. Sure, stress can cause certain illnesses. But, saying that it is stress doesn't mean that the illness isn't there, doesn't mean that the person is making it up or is psychsomatic.
And, I speak from experience, as does Hiddenneggs. About 15 years ago, I had chronic fatigue for over 6 months--as did a lot of other people around the same time. It was dismissed as a "yuppie disease," because no one could figure out exactly what caused it. However, just because no one knew what caused it or how it worked, does not mean that many, many people weren't virtually debilitated due to it. I know I was.
Not to brag, but I am a very smart person and I was at Northwestern Law School at the time. I got an upper respiratory infection and sore throat and then it hit like a ton of bricks. I could no longer think. I could no longer remember anything. I first realised something was wrong when I could not remember anything about a law case that I had read and fully understood an hour before. The professor was talking about the case and it was if I had never heard about that case before--even though I had read the thing an hour before.
All I could do was sleep. I ached all over. A good day was getting up to take a shower and try to walk the dog around the block. I was actually afraid to cross the street because I caught myself crossing without looking both ways--I had forgotten to do that. It was if my brain wasn't getting oxygen into it. I can't explain it fully but anyone who has had it or its counterpart, epstein barr, knows exactly what I mean.
And, I had had virtually no stress at that time. Sure I was in law school, but I was actually doing the best I had ever done.
I eventually got over it--by telling myself that I couldn't go on like this. But, there were many, many people--just like me--going through hell. And not knowing why. Hiddenneggs knows what I mean. His wife is going through something very similar.
So, I am sorry to rant, but I just get a little aggravated when people say chill out, or it is all in your head, or you must be crazy. Because unless you have been there, you really don't have a clue.
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