Morningstar wrote:
meowth1982 wrote:
Thank you to everyone for the hugs and kind words. It's been a really hard last few days, and I'm not exactly sleeping still.
I met with a lawyer yesterday to contest the ticket, but he said we won't win. Even though the other car swerved out of their lane to avoid having to stop, I still was supposed to yield to them. Hard to yield when you don't know it's coming right?
I don't have comprehensive damage coverage or collision damage coverage on my insurance, so the 900 dollars is coming out of my own already straped for cash pockets. I may actually not be able to go to school the fall because of having to pay for this, the increase in my own insurance, the horrifying thought of maybe being sued by the other accident person, plus already having to pay college bills. :s I'm stressing out a bit about it, that's for sure!
My truck won't be fixed until Monday by the earliest, causing me to have to rent a car instead since I do work out of town as well as in town. >_< I already missed one day of work with my other job, going in tomorrow and having to explain why I missed work on Wednesday ought to be fun. Maybe I should just hand them the ticket that I got from the policeman!
Oh, Meowth, I feel so bad for you. I don't understand how you are responsible. I suggest that you talk with the policeman's supervisor about this one. In my state (Illinois), a ticket is not given unless either the policeman witnesses the accident or it is
clearly obvious that one person was at fault. And, it doesn't seem to be the case here. Perhaps you should fire that lawyer and find one who will be on your side when you go to court over this.
Unfortunately the Ohio law is that I have to wait until all traffic clears before making the left turn. Now, as anyone who's ever made a left turn down a main street at 3 in the afternoon should know, that's not going to happen. But because that is the law, I am at fault in the state and judge's eyes. I could cry. I had no reasonable way to know that the other driver would do what they did, but it doesn't matter to the state.
I'm going to write a long long letter to the police chief and to city council on the actions of that certain officer. But unfortunately not until after the ticket is taken care of. I don't want to take the chance (and I've seen it happen before) of the officer being repremanded and then contacting the prosecutor and swaying them to his side. *sighs*
Unfortunately I can't afford another lawyer. The lawyer I have right now is through the college I'm attending because legal aid for students is free. :/ It's frustrating to me, and just reciently dropping another 200 dollars for a rental car just to be able to go to a job I's not been a good week for me. The accident itself has spiraled me back down into a deep pit of depression and spending money isn't helping that right now. Stupid Ohio laws...
<STOWA|Sleep> my sister questioned the title. "Half Blooded Prince? Does that mean he's a Moogle"