Grrr, if Maniac was online when he was supposed to we would have won that. We would have got an extra kill in
The Weird Sisters
The members of the Weird Sisters are:
You are a baddie team of witches. Please elect a spokeswitch before the end of Day 1 who will be in charge of sending in night lists. Note that anyone can send in night lists, but the spokeswitch’s one will take precedence over all others, and no matter who sends in the list it will still be counted as the spokeswitch who carried out the killing.
1) Every night, you can kill one person through evil spells. Send me a list of 4 names of whom you want to kill; the first on the list to be alive will be chosen for killing.
2) Once in the game, you can kill two people at night instead of one. Send me two lists of 4 names of whom you want to kill. The first on each list to be alive will be chosen.
3) As the Weird Sisters you have the Power of Three. As long as all three of you are still alive in the game, one witch of your choice will be protected from all deaths each night. PM me your choice every night (together with your killing list) so long all three of you are still alive.
Special items of the Weird Sisters:
maniac – Familiar
You have a familiar (an attendant spirit, often taking animal form), in the shape of a black cat. The first time you are targeted for killing and are not protected through any other means, your familiar will be killed instead of you. Your familiar will be mentioned in the death scene.
the_dog_god – Broomstick
Your magical broomstick can sweep up secret powers left by executed people. For each successful execution of a person, you can choose whether or not to sweep the area for unused secret powers by the executed person. PM me your wish to do so within 24 hours of that player’s execution. Should that person leave behind any unused secret powers, you will gain all of them. You may only try twice in the game, regardless of whether your attempts are successful or not.
Twizzler0171 – Cauldron
Your cauldron can brew one of the following potions:
a) Brew of Bane – Feed this to a player to make them sick. The sick person will be unable to post, vote or use their role and secret powers for three day/night cycles (including the cycle this was used on).
b) Potion of Prying – When used, this will tell you the full role and current secret powers of the targeted player.
c) Remedy of repulsion – Feed this to anybody in the game. That person will be unable to vote or target you with their role and secret powers for the rest of the game.
You may can brew and use one of the above three concoctions anytime during the game. To do so, PM me your choice and a list of 3 people. The first person to be alive on the list will be fed the chosen brew.
In addition to your role you also have the following secret power:
Double ballot
Twice in the game, you can double the number of votes you can make for that day (ie from one vote to two votes). Inform me when you wish to use this SP (you do not need my confirmation to use it).
I was going to double my votes the day I died and cast both for Wind. I figured the inactivity and other baddies would work in my favour to kill Wind. Like I said, the day o_0 was voted to be executed by myself, I was going to kill a different person (probably Wind) at night as I figured he had immunised (As execution protection wasn't covered in his "role").
Then I died.
Only used the secret power thing once (on Mandy - No powers) and the double voting once.