Couple of Doom
Lord Doom - Matt
Lady Doom – o_0
You are a two-person baddie team. Please determine and tell me who will be the spokesperson for your team (in charge of sending in night lists). Note that anyone can send in night lists, but the spokesperson’s one will take precedence over all others, and no matter who sends in the list it will still be counted as the spokesperson who carried out the killing.
1) Every night, you can kill a person through torture devices and methods. Send me a list of 4 names of whom you want to kill; the first on the list to be alive will be chosen for killing.
2) Once in the game at any time you can convert one innocent player in the game to become a Servant of Doom. PM me your wish to do so and the name of the person you wish to convert. Certain players cannot be converted (including but not limited to evil players), and should you target them, your attempt will fail and this power will be gone forever.
3) You two start with a shared 100% shield.
Individual role powers
Lord Doom (Matt) – Castle of Darkness
Once in the game, you can plunge the castle into darkness for the whole day, rendering all innocents (including those who work at night) unable to vote or use their powers. All baddies will be able to use their powers as usual. Also, during this period of darkness your team can kill twice for the night, and all members on the Doom team are immune to all deaths.
Lady Doom (o_0) – Blackmail
Once in the game, you can send an anonymous blackmail letter to someone during the night, forcing them to reveal their role name on the thread the next day. They will be forced to post the following post on the thread in its entirety, without any additions or subtractions:
I have been forced to reveal my role by someone whose identity I do not know of. I am (insert their role name here).
If the targeted person fails to do so within the next day (following the night this letter was sent), they will be tortured to death.
To use this power, PM me your wish to do so during the night and who you’d like to target.
In addition to your role you also have the following secret power:
Holy Shield
By posting a full verse from the Christian Bible (any verse of your choice), you gain a 20% shield. After posting, PM me with a quote of the verse you posted. You can use this SP once a day, for a maximum of 3 times. Note: You do not have to include the book, chapter and verse references (ie. Genesis 1:1), just the words will do. One place to find Bible verses on the Internet is ... ersion=31;
o: If that's not Christian brainwashing, I don't know what is.
I managed to (hopefully) subtly include them. One was "He said:". Another was "He wept for he had lost much" or something weird. 0.0
Sadly, the day I told Matt to convert YesItIsh or maniac was the day after he tried to convert Wind. ._. Hooray for different time zones.