((Yea, it started! Please, pardon me if I'm really bad at this, this is only my second RP. I've been doing this for about 3 days now.))
Danae smiled, spinning around to face yet another teenage boy wanting to dance. She brushed a strand of hair back from her face, and walked with him onto the dance floor. There were males of all ages around her, looking at her. Her powers let her feel them, wanting to ask her to dance. She was too busy, though. She could feel the other girl’s eyes on her, envious. Well, good, she thought to herself, they should be jealous. It’s their fault I’m prettier than them, anyway.
This was Danae’s favorite club. She loved the bands that played there, and she loved the atmosphere; well, as much as someone without a soul could love something. She wasn’t at the club just to dance though, far from it. She, unfortunately, was working. She was making sure the vampire to human ratio stayed the same, and was using the club to do it. She also was making sure that no vampire decided to attack someone innocent. She couldn’t let them hurt another person she was at all close to. Not after Jamie… She shook her head, trying to dispel the thought. I don’t want to think about her. I’m just going to focus on working, and if I have to work, I might as well be doing it at a club, where I can dance. Danae turned back to face the guy she was dancing with, focusing her non-working thoughts on him.