"Gary... Sue?" Metanius asked.
"You know... the perfect guy everyone fights for?" Mary Sue replied, facing him with little hearts in her eyes.
"If I'm really so perfect, why are these stuff stuck on my back!!!!" Metanius screamed. A couple of owls fell down from a tree nearby and hit Mary Sue.
"Ow! What stuff?" Mary snapped, sweeping the owl feathers off her mini-skirt.
"These!" And with that, Metanius turned and showed Mary his back.
Instead of having a muscular back, Metanius had dozens of handy gadgets stuck to it. Among them, Mary Sue spotted an adapter. Next ot it was some screw that looked like it should be used to remove major organs from tiny mammals.
"See what I mean-" Metanius turned- and slammed into a tree. "Ouch."
"Ouch indeed," Mary Sue whispered to herself, as the tree roots creaked and crashed into a boulder, then a Pink Poogle Toy (Yay!) and a small hermit hut (minus the hermit).
"What the..." Metanius tried pulling himself up from the floor, but something he couldn't see pulled him down.
"AWWWW..." Mary yelled, "WHAT A CUTE FOXIE!!!"
Foxie scrambled to its legs and ran in an attempt ot get away from the demented fangirl, dragging Metanius with it.
Trying not to crash into something that happend to lie around, Metanius reached for one of the tools on his back, and pulled it out...
Was it...
1) A squishy sponge cake with chestnuts on top?
2) A gadget commonly used to stop foxes running at 170 miles/hour?
or 3) A corkscrew?
I choose 1!!!!!!