Moogs beat me to it, but I fully agree with him: Many of you have stuck with those dark Neopets borders and it simply doesn't look good unless you don't match it with other dark colors. This wasn't about changing just the image surrounded by the borders; this was about making a good looking banner. Instead of going on about this all the time in my judging I'll just post a short note to refer you to this part of my post.
watericesage – First of all I think you’ve done a very good job at blending the images together. I’m not too fond of that the T is basically standing on the border and talking about the border, the edges are very choppy in the corners.
Neopets Addict – Good job all in all. I’m in a bit of a dilemma with the border, in a way its boldness suits the banner very well, on the other hand it’s so bold it really jumps at you and would have been better made thinner. Go figure. The banner is a bit too gray, if I were you I would have used more teal-tones, like the ones found on the moon to get some more into it. Border edges are somewhat choppy.
Kandice – Your text choice doesn’t really fit into this one at all, as well as the style and colors you have chosen for it. The background is very vague and the contrast the border makes against it is way too much. I don’t like how you lined up the images one after the other and the large space between them. Check top of post.
_jaye_ – Top of my post applies to this one very much. The background is very nice, but the font is just out there, I would have chosen other colors for it as well as the font itself. At some parts you could have tried to make the snow more realistic, to give more “value” (in lack of better explanation) to the snowfall which is now rather monotonous but still nice.
Scholastic – I’m thinking you could have used more shell images, or utilized the one you have there now more. For now if I didn’t know it was a shell I’m not sure if it would be so easy to figure out what it was. Behind the text the image looks empty, an ideal place to fill with more shells (or something else). Other than that think of your theme, a shell doesn’t really portray the Ruins of Maraqua to me. Check top of my post.
Apricus –I absolutely love the colors you have used and … ah forget it, I just love it all, ok? One small think though, looking at the banner closely you can see that at least the white on the clouds is a bit uneven and prickly, then again it’s hardly noticeable.
mazil – Lovely. The cutouts might be a bit out of the ordinary for a banner, but the rest is more than greatly done, good job mazil. To point it out there’s some white left in the left corners.
Amethyst – Al though this would make a very functional banner, I don’t see any originality in the entry which is sort of a big problem. In stead of dark pixel dots you would probably been better off making the lighter than the image instead. Continuing on the originality issue, I see that you were really aiming for that Neopet-ish look, which you succeeded with, but you would have been better off with a totally different text (font, color) and border (check top of my post). If you wanted the corners to be transparent then you should have been more observant removing all of the white.
rachel – What I noticed first was how bad the sand in particular looks in that picture, very grainy and giving the feeling of bad image quality. Classic font, yet it suits the theme very well, the placement of it is the only bad part, you should definitely have moved it a bit more to the right. As for the empty space under the text, well, you could have filled it with some lighter image maybe. The flower looks nice at it is, but I’m thinking that if you kept it just a bit bigger and moved it more to the left so that there would be no empty blue space between the flower and the border it would have been even better. Check top of my post.
Neko – I’m definitely having a theme problem with this one, you made a banner for Terror Mountain, not Wintery Terror Lake, a more suiting image would have been needed. The corners of the border are a bit too choppy but other than that it’s quite alright.
Jasujo – While I like the way you have combined your images and created a spooky scene out of them the text is a big problem in the banner. Putting the words apart was not a good choice, and the colors aren’t awfully nice either. Then again the choice of the font itself is very fitting. The owls might be a bit too much in there.
Fizzy – I don’t really know what you have going on there with that knight, a part of it covered by the scanlines and they end abruptly all over the image. Now that looks just like pure laziness and not wanting to any improvement to details, or then you did not notice it or you actually meant for it to be like that. Either way it’s not good. The Meridell text looks good all in all but it shouldn’t definitely not get as close to the border as it does now. Corners are very choppy, more anti-alias would have been better. Check top of my post.
InsanePlushie – Ok looking at the basics, but I still think you could have either utilized the image you have now more with image effects (take simple scanlines for example) and other colors. Either that or you should have chosen different images because I don’t really think that is the best option to portray Faerieland. Font is ok, but I think it’s not really matching the rest of the image except the colors of it. Check top of my post.
Koku – Great banner! The only thing that came to my mind was that even though the font technically matches the theme it is a bit too cartoon like for the image you have used in the banner. A light glow around it would have given the text a bit more visibility. Corners are a bit too choppy, and the lower left one looks even a bit weird (border).
timkhj – Oh, what can I say, all in all I like this. Looking at the theme, text an so on it all suits in very well. Yet again I’d like to advise you about the esthetical values of it, while function and suitability is a big thing the more artsy part is as important. It is clear what this banner is for but it portrays its object coldly and impersonally. I don’t know if anyone at all can get anything out of what I said, but hopefully I made some sense. Corners in this one are too choppy (meh, how many times have I said that in this post?)
LAQ – Al though I understand it was for functionality reasons, I don’t like how obvious the cut off is on the top of your banner. The image you used has gotten rather blurry in the banner and oh, choppy corners (somebody shoot me). Maybe you could have moved the text just a bit more downwards to center it on the banner. Otherwise I like it.
My votes go to Kandice, _jaye_ and Amethyst.
Set by everconfused
Last edited by Silja on Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.