Welcome to the Ultimate Trivia Team War.
Each round, I will post a total of ten questions for you and your team to answer. One of you will have to send them in; I don't care who. The entire game, all of your correct answers from all the rounds will be converted to points. At the end of each round, the two teams who got the lowest amount of round points get a strike. Three strikes and you're eliminated. Example:
Team 1: 35 points (got 4 points at the end of a round)
Team 2: 7 points (got 7 points at the end of a round)
Team 3: 18 points (got 6 points at the end of a round)
Teams 1 and 3 get striked.
The questions will be on anything- from books to music to animals to even PPTers. And that's about it, really.
1. I don't care how or where you get the answers. If you want to look online, go ahead. If you know them already, that's fine, too.
2. Let's make it a clean game. No death threats, etc.
3. Rules are no fun anyway, two is enough.
Some random sentence:
There only needs to be one person to sign up the entire team. However, if you want to sign your own self up, but your teammate already did, go ahead. Whatever makes you happy.
If you can't find teammates, just put "missing" in the teammates slot, and I shall get you someone within or close to your time zone (if possible).
Signups are open until we have ten teams. Or until this becomes inactive; then we'll start with whatever we have.
Team 1: DracolordII, Jabond102
Points: 15
Strikes: 1
Team 2: Zega, Adoration, DM, CD
Team 3: Monique, Stephanie, Ammer, Xil
Points: 25
Strikes 1
Team 4: Moofy, Fidds, Rachel, Apricus
Team 5: Anubis, Requiem
Points: 5
Strikes: 1
So sign up already!
EDIT: And don't sign someone up with you unless they've already agreed to it.