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Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:01 am

EDIT: This is Tharkun. Eo is not reponsible for this post.

bgryph wrote:
Tharkun wrote:Do you honestly expect me to believe that Dumbledore would give up his life, which he knows to be instrumental to the cause, so that the Order can be protected by a man whom any of them would gladly kill on sight? It makes the denialism from my own wing of the fandom look restrained.

I don't think it's all that farfetched. For one thing, Dumbledore's behavior in the cave makes it clear that he regards himself as expendable.

In comparison to Harry, certainly.

Certainly he's very important as the leader and organizer, but sometimes leaders can be even more effective as martyrs.

But not this time. Does the phrase "greater and more terrible than ever before" mean anything to you? He's the only one who stopped Voldemort, who struck fear into his heart, up till the prophecy, anyway. His strategy may have had holes, but it staved off Voldemort for eleven years, and I refuse to believe he could have made the gigantic misjudgment you assume he'd made.

It seems inevitable that Voldemort is going to place a great deal of trust in Snape from this day forward. (One might almost think that was one of the points of the exercise -- to force Snape to do something that Voldemort thinks is irrefutable proof that Snape is loyal.) Assuming Snape wasn't an important man in the orgainzation before, he's likely to be one now -- both as a reward for having killed Voldemort's great opponent, and because, frankly, he seems more competent than the run-of-the-mill Death Eater.

I think that Dumbledore might possibly consider having a talented wizard and agent in a position of importance and trust in the Death Eaters more important than his own life. Yes, Dumbledore is more powerful than Snape, but all that power doesn't mean anything if you're not in the position to use it. Dumbledore wasn't in such a position; Snape is.

It will certainly be harder for Snape to get information to the Order now, but not impossible. He'd just have to be creative about the channels he went through (letting people who the Order does trust "discover" vital bits of information, for instance). He'd have to be very sneaky about it, but Snape clearly excells at sneaky. And he's certainly in a marvelous position to sabatoge the Death Eaters, if so inclined... probably better than he was before, since he's no longer under suspicion.

All right, point taken, if he is Order-loyal. If not, well then, it's just the opposite, isn't it?

Dumbledore never told Harry what happened to his hand, for example. A person walking around with a strangely withered limb that seems impossible to heal even by magic isn't exactly a well man. Not to mention the potion... it was pointedly mentioned in at least two places in the book that not all poisons have antidotes, and if Voldemort were going to protect his Horcrux with a deadly potion, you'd think he'd make it a good one, not something Snape was likely to have the antidote to laying around his office. If Dumbledore was already dying then certainly he'd prefer to do so in a fashion that wouldn't take Snape with him.

Fine, but I think it couldn't be plainer that Dumbledore didn't know he was going into a trap. Also, I doubt he knew what Draco's mission was, or he would have taken preventive measures before he was forced into that position.

Now, that's not to say the theory doesn't hold water. Chapter Two shows that Snape is hesitant. However, as he doesn't know Draco's mission yet, and his only other traces of emotion involve Draco, he may simply be trying not to sympathize with Narcissa.

It could go either way, really, but consider this: Snape is very, very cagey about his knowledge. He's been teaching substandard Potions classes on purpose for years. The indignity of James Potter using one of his inventions is enough to overpower the Prank on the worst memory scale. Nonetheless, the Death Eaters at the Quidditch World Cup knew Levicorpus.

Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:31 am

It was never confirmed that the last horcrux was definately something of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's. Didn't they just say it would probably be?

Somehow I get the feeling that the last horcrux is something totally unexpected. I get the strange feeling it might be something hidden at Hogwarts. Maybe Tom didn't go back to the castle to find something to make into a horcrux, but to plant one. He loved the school, remember?

The theory of Harry being the horcrux is a very interesting one indeed. It really is just the sort of thing J.K. would do. And it would also mean Harry would have to die in the end. Which I would love. Nothing against him, but I think it would work out great if both Harry and Voldemort end up dead at the end of book 7.

Also, I was reading in some article last night that we're supposed to learn more about Harry's connection with Voldemort in book 7. So maybe it is something like that. Maybe he is a horcrux, which would explain why he can see through Voldemort's eyes and all that.

Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:42 am

jabond102 wrote:
fzun wrote:
jabond102 wrote:But in the book it says that it was one of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's items. Sure do I think so that much, no but that is what the book said. But the book also said Snape was good, well Dumbledore. Can't believe he died, I finished the book last night. It was so sad. Just glad Hagrid and Fang didn;t die.

Proffesor Trelawney made the prophecy, and as you know all aren't always correct. Maybe Snape is a Horcruz, just a thought.

I really really really really doubt that Snape is a Horcrux.

And even though Trelawney made the prophecy it was one of the only real ones she's ever made. That and when Harry was taking his Divination final in the third book, she went into some kinda trance remember?

I know Snape wouldn't be one :). But Tralawney didn't go in a trance in front of Dumbledore I think at least not. I wonder how Dumbledore got his hand burnt, it never said though. The locket though may not be destroyed, I wish the seventh book was out horcruxes are confusing.

She did, actually. Remember when Dumbledore was telling Harry about the prophecy in the fifth book that they were having a job interview and he was just about to turn her down and she made the prophecy?

Dumbledore's hand was burnt when he tried to destroy the ring (the second Horcrux.)

The locket may or may not be destroyed, I dunno. In the note R.A.B. said that he took the Horcrux to destroy it - but whether or not he succeeded we don't know (or at least I don't.)

And my dad told me today that he read somewhere that it's rumored that J.K.R. might write another book after the 7th - he said it's just a rumor though. It would be too awesome if it came true :D

Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:49 am

fzun wrote:The locket may or may not be destroyed, I dunno. In the note R.A.B. said that he took the Horcrux to destroy it - but whether or not he succeeded we don't know (or at least I don't.)

I am suspicious that the locket might be the one mentioned in OofP, when they are cleaning out the Black family home and are emptying a cabinet they come across many dark objects including "a heavy locket none of them could open" (paraphrased). We then have the encounter with Mundungus in the latest book where we find out he's been selling off the stuff from the house. Whether he sold the locket or whether it was simply thrown out I couldn't guess. But it would be just like Rowling to throw in those two little details earlier on :)

Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:10 am

Trick wrote:
fzun wrote:The locket may or may not be destroyed, I dunno. In the note R.A.B. said that he took the Horcrux to destroy it - but whether or not he succeeded we don't know (or at least I don't.)

I am suspicious that the locket might be the one mentioned in OofP, when they are cleaning out the Black family home and are emptying a cabinet they come across many dark objects including "a heavy locket none of them could open" (paraphrased). We then have the encounter with Mundungus in the latest book where we find out he's been selling off the stuff from the house. Whether he sold the locket or whether it was simply thrown out I couldn't guess. But it would be just like Rowling to throw in those two little details earlier on :)

It could, that would definitely back up the theory that R.A.B. is Regulus

Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:37 am

Shoelace wrote:I have a theory! It's in Harry! By accident maybe.
I have no idea where I got that from, but it would be cool. Harry would have to like banish the bit of soul from himself or something.

That would be really cool, but if you think about it, it can't work. Why would Voldemort put a piece of his soul in someone he planned to kill?

Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:54 am

I've debated the idea that Harry is a horcrux to the death today. Some people are so attached to the idea that it's almost impossible to have a reasonable debate, but here's my reasoning why he can't be:

1. He keeps trying to kill Harry. Why would he be trying to destroy one of his horcruxes?
Yes, some say it could be by accident, but I'm not buying it. Dumbledore refers to making a horcrux as a "process" and from Slughorn we know that it requires a spell or incantation. It's highly unlikely that this would hapen by accident. Even if this occured to him after the failed AK, Voldemort wouldn't have had the facilities to do this spell even if he wanted to.

2. Remember what happened when Voldemort tried to posess Harry? He couldn't. He was in excruciating pain from all the love flowing through Harry's body. I doubt that a piece of his soul could coexist with Harry's for all this time.

3. Transferring abilities is *not* the same as transferring a soul. One of the big reasons that people think Harry has a piece of Voldemort's soul is his ability to speak parseltounge. It doesn't make sense... your abilities are no more a part of your soul than your hair color is.

Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:59 am

why would he want to destroy his own horcrux?
aslong as harry lives, so will he, he. and he alone. can kill harry -propercy has told us this- and harry alone can stop Voldermort.

for harry to kill Voldermort, harry must die.
leading to the unique situation where Voldemort is totally, and unirevicably unstoppable, unless harry and voldy both die simeltaneously.

a damned good plan dontchya thing :D

edit:i shall note that i came to this conclusion through my own obsessive desire for immortality.
take that as you will.

Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:07 am

atomicblonde wrote:1. He keeps trying to kill Harry. Why would he be trying to destroy one of his horcruxes?
Yes, some say it could be by accident, but I'm not buying it. Dumbledore refers to making a horcrux as a "process" and from Slughorn we know that it requires a spell or incantation. It's highly unlikely that this would hapen by accident. Even if this occured to him after the failed AK, Voldemort wouldn't have had the facilities to do this spell even if he wanted to.

2. Remember what happened when Voldemort tried to posess Harry? He couldn't. He was in excruciating pain from all the love flowing through Harry's body. I doubt that a piece of his soul could coexist with Harry's for all this time.

3. Transferring abilities is *not* the same as transferring a soul. One of the big reasons that people think Harry has a piece of Voldemort's soul is his ability to speak parseltounge. It doesn't make sense... your abilities are no more a part of your soul than your hair color is.

I don't have much to add to that but to say that I agree with all of the above completely. It never occured to me that Harry would be a horcrux and when I read about it it just didn't make any sense to me at all. Nagini is a suspected horcrux and Voldemort has an unusual level of control over here, even for a parselmouth. And yet he has no control over Harry. Many of the things to do with powers crossing over, Harry feeling Voldemorts emotions etc can be explained by their wand problem.

But yes in any event, I don't think Harry is a horcrux - I doubt very much that any person is, Dumbledore seemed to suggest that even an animal was risky for such purposes.

That's not to say that Harry will definitely survive, though I'm not so sure of his death as I was a few books ago.

Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:21 am

fzun wrote:
Trick wrote:
fzun wrote:The locket may or may not be destroyed, I dunno. In the note R.A.B. said that he took the Horcrux to destroy it - but whether or not he succeeded we don't know (or at least I don't.)

I am suspicious that the locket might be the one mentioned in OofP, when they are cleaning out the Black family home and are emptying a cabinet they come across many dark objects including "a heavy locket none of them could open" (paraphrased). We then have the encounter with Mundungus in the latest book where we find out he's been selling off the stuff from the house. Whether he sold the locket or whether it was simply thrown out I couldn't guess. But it would be just like Rowling to throw in those two little details earlier on :)

It could, that would definitely back up the theory that R.A.B. is Regulus

I didn't remember that at all! You could be right! Jo always puts little clues like that in everywhere!

Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:46 am

Setekh wrote:why would he want to destroy his own horcrux?
aslong as harry lives, so will he, he. and he alone. can kill harry -propercy has told us this- and harry alone can stop Voldermort.

for harry to kill Voldermort, harry must die.
leading to the unique situation where Voldemort is totally, and unirevicably unstoppable, unless harry and voldy both die simeltaneously.

a damned good plan dontchya thing :D

edit:i shall note that i came to this conclusion through my own obsessive desire for immortality.
take that as you will.

That's an incredibly good point, Setekh! If Voldemort DID encase a bit of his soul in Harry, Harry would have to die in order for Voldemort to die. Naturally, a sociopath like Voldemort wouldn't be able to comprehend someone giving up their own life to save others.

Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:49 am

explains why it came from my mind, total sociopathic narcisist that i am.

that. and i seem to remember somthing similar happening in myth, and i have seen quite a few paralells with myth in the series.

Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:49 am

Voldemort didn't know that half of the prophecy though. At that point he would have had absolutely 0 reason to make Harry a horcrux. He still doesn't know that part come to think of it...

Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:52 am

hmmm, thought hed missed the bit about giving the chosen the weapons to defeat him o_O
oh well, was hoping that harry would kick the bucket in the seventh book.

Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:55 am

You may be right about the prophecy... it's been awhile since I read 5. :/

*Edit: My memory doesn't appear to be failing in my old age quite yet.

"Voldemort's information about the prophecy was incomplete. [...] He only heard the first part, the part fortelling the birth of a boy in July to parents who had thrice defied Voldemort." (Scholastic Paperback ed. p.843)

*Edit2* Heh, I called him Voldenort. :P
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