It is SOO annoying! I put in a blank CD (imitation 1x-52x compatible, stores 80 min./700 MB) but it WON'T WORK!!!
Everytime I put it with iTunes and select a playlist (with non-copyrighted songs) to burn it, it keeps saying that there's an 'unknown error', even when I put it to 1x time. GRRR!
Here's a screenshot of the error:
The number at the end changes from (4____) to other things.
And Windows Media Player ain't working either, but it WORKED BEFORE on 8x, and now it doesn't do anything at all. I think it burned the songs on ONCE but then when I placed it into my stereo only the FIRST out of 14 songs worked, and the others just produced weird noises from the CD inside the drive and then it just stopped by itself.