First off: everyone who hasn't read the interviews yet, go and read the one by Emerson and Melissa (from Mugglenet and the Leaky Cauldron, respectively).
Second: I was right about Snape being a double agent, though, it seems, wrong about which way he was leaning towards. I assumed he was on Dumbledore's side.
One of the things I really liked about the book was, for one thing, how JKR really showed us how every character is multi-demensional. Like Fidds said on page 6, we see that while Narcissa Malfoy is a villainous character, she still loves her son. Draco's a slimy little jerk, but he can also be scared- he can cry, he can have feelings that are other than "Let's go kick mudbloods because we're better than them and the Dark Lord rocks!" I still don't like him, but I do understand him slightly more.
As for H/G- I'm actually fine with how Rowling didn't really show much of Harry/Ginny dating and everything- that's how I've always wanted the romance in the books to be. There, but understated.
The books are about Harry Potter, not the Love Life of Harry Potter the Very Romantic Wizard.
Romance is just one of the many sub-plots in the books.
Er, and sorry that I'm quoting people from like ten pages ago, but I haven't been online since the book was released (I was at camp- had the book delivered to me by Amazon, though they were a week late, so I just bought the Canadian edition when we went on Victoria on a shopping trip (
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
) on the 17th), so I must catch up.
First off, because I forgot to quote it, I figure Dumbledore was blasted into the air by the AK because, perhaps, magic's more powerful if there's a strong emotion behind it? With Snape, it was hate- well, that's what it seemed like, anyway.
On the other hand, I'm torn between believing Snape's really evil or that he told Dumbledore about the Vow and that Dumbledore was asking Snape to kill him.
I really have no idea.
Josephine wrote:
And in Book 5 Sirius says "I doubt Regalus was so important for Voldemort to kill him personally." (along those lines) - but he was still killed. And probably by Voldie. And he was killed because he hid the locket.
Dumbledore said that Voldemort wouldn't know if one of the Horcruxes was destroyed/stolen. Remember, he didn't know about the diary until Malfoy told him.
If Regulus abandoned the DEs, that was why he was killed, most likely. If he's R.A.B., I think he may have gone and done that one last thing- stealing/destroying/whatevering the locket, just as a blow to Voldemort.
Well, that's what I would have done, anyway.
Okay, so I would have first made a permanent charm so that everything the Death Eaters and Voldemort touched turned cotton-candy pink and had the words 'world's prettiest princess' written on it, but ASIDE FROM THAT, I'd have definitely tried to do something that might help in bringing him down.
Or I just would've hid in a closet and eaten as much chocolate as I wanted to. Who knows.
Sapphire Faerie wrote:
And Harry/Ginny. If he lives past book 7, they'll marry. Xandra shall be happy. I'm not worried about it though, I'm still thinking/hoping he'll die in the end.
I'll be happy, but only because I don't really like any other Harry pairing, and because I
![Love <3](./images/smilies/icon_inlove.gif)
OBHWF. I dunno, book!Harry/Ginny hasn't completely clicked with me yet, no matter how much I like the pairing. Which is weird, because I love the pairing, I'm just not totally satisfied with how JKR's written it.
Which really doesn't make any sense.
I still want my R/Hr. I mean, from the Mugglenet/LC interview, along with the Katie Couric one and the Cub Reporter one, I know that it's definitely going to happen, and that H/Hr has been sunk by an arsenal of anvil-sized hints from the Good Ship, but I still want to read it. I WANT TO SEE RON AND HERMIONE MAKE OUT, DAMNIT.
(Er, and no offense to any H/Hr supporters- I do like you guys, even if I don't like the pairing you ship. And, um, if you are offended, well, my slight rudeness and gloating was directed towards the people in your group that are very much, "H/Hr HAS to happen, or I'll burn all of my books/JKR's a nasty evil woman for saying we're militant [dude, she was talking about a
very small group of you/Ginny's a 'scarlet woman'/I hate Ron because he gets in the way of H/Hr!!!"
I'm fine with y'all who just plain don't like Ron for his character- while I strongly disagree with you- I'm a huge Weasley fan (well, for the most part, anyway, I'm not all that fond of them when they do things like hiss at children right after they're sorted just because they happened to be sorted into Slytherin- Gred and Forge, by the way, in one of the books. That was rather irritating to me.)-, I realize that some people don't.)
(Wow, that was a long note. Well, at least no one can murder me on account of their thinking I despise all supporters of H/Hr. (And one of my good friends supports them, so shush, all of you.))
(*Dranzer*) wrote:
Now... to find a name for the Tonks/Lupin shipping..... Metawolf?
There already is a name. It's Wotcher Wolvie.
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
More about R.A.B.:
JKR Interview wrote:
JKR: Do you have a theory? [about R.A.B.]
MA: We've come up with Regulus Black.
JKR: Have you now?
MA: Uh-oh.
JKR: Well, I think that would be, um, a fine guess.
I still dunno, though- I mean, I doubt she would really give that away. I'm not really sure about R.A.B., to be honest. For all we know, it could stand for, like, Really Awesome Butterfly-man. Who knows.
I don't really want to know, actually. Spoilers are <i><b>bad</b></i>. (Shush, Chass. I've completely repented, spoiler-wise. I realized that it was rather boring, knowing huge secrets before-hand. Well. Not huge, really. More like, "Will we see the giant Invisible Mechasaur-Barbie frolicking on the island again?")
And on Harry=Heir of Gryffindor:
Interview again wrote:
MA [replying to JKR talking about Harry's grandparents]: That sort of shuts down Heir of Gryffindor [theories], as well.
JKR: [Pause.] Yeah. Well - yeah.