Ski wrote:
All she needs is that computer to be tossed. Right out the window. If they can find one. Then, I'd sell it all.
Fiddelysquat wrote:
She probably knows every single bloody box in the house.
I seriously doubt that. I don't think anyone could memorize all that, no matter how crazy one is.
No, I agree with Fidds, I'm sure she does know every box in that house. People who have OCD or Hording problems will know every single thing and if you move it they'll go nuts.
There was a special on Oprah, a woman who had 80 cats. Every cat had a name, and a place in the family. And the names were kept straight by the owner. Now, I don't know about you, but I couldn't ever remember 80 cat names! But this person did... and I bet this woman knows every single box and where she got it too. You'd be surprised...
<STOWA|Sleep> my sister questioned the title. "Half Blooded Prince? Does that mean he's a Moogle"