*ish mad from not getting any lists* You want real plots, you gimme lists
TDG's vortex chair goes boom. Poor TDG. That chair was also contaimated. TDG loses 2 HPs.
Inexistence sits in SSC and gains a HP.
Ammer completes the flowers dare and gains a HP.
Divine fails to sit and loses a HP
Next rounds:
Clucky presses a button. "oops" he says. He bonks the moon out of orbit. It pummels towards earth. Everyone is safe in a force field. Moon partically frys up while in its entry. The rest of it pummels into the coast of Flordia. It makes a big crater. Chairs are in the crater.
Chair 1 is the Pirate chair. A person sitting here gets to send me a list for ALL the chairs the require list sending. If a person does not send in a list, I will use list from the pirate chair for that list instead of randomly choosing it.
Chair 2is control chair. A person sitting here gets to control the simulator the next round. Hence choosing the music, what the room looks like, the food served and everything else they want.
Chair 3 alchemist's chair. This chair contains a vile of poison which can be used continue any chair the following round, causing the person sitting on it to lose a health point.
Chair 4is the dunce chair. A person sitting here gets an evil posting requirement. Successful completion gives them a health point. Failure causes them to lose a health point.
Chair 5is portal chair. A person sitting here can switch any two chairs for the next round. The swapping will be announced, however so that people can respond accordingly.
Chair 6is the zapping chair. A person sitting here can zap another person casing them to not be able to use a chair the next round.
Chair 7 is the stunning chair. A person sitting here can stun another person for a few hours(three to be exact) at the start of the sitting phase of the following round.
Chair 8 is the crazy chair. A person sitting here randomly gets the power of another chair. I will PM you which power it is ASAP.
Chair 9 is the vortex chair. The person sitting in it either gangs a life point or loses one or have nothing happen, 33% of each happening.
Chair 10is the upside down chair. A person must hang from it instead of sitting on it. (and hence post Hangs 11/X instead of sits 11/X)
Chair 11 is the extra soft chair. A person sitting in it gains a life point from its happy softness.
Chair 12is mastermind's chair. A person sitting here gets to program to dunce chair the next round. The program should be a posting requirement similar to those dished out by Duck Duck Goose. It will only apply to the game topic and can be as evil as you wish as long as the person is able to play the game properly.
Chair 13 is the contaminated chair. A person sitting in a contaminated chair loses a health point.