Well I've had two mega stressful jobs both of which involved amusing stories.
The first was working as a Customer Services Co-worker in IKEA. The most memorable experience there was when this huge, scary, biker man stormed in and basically threw a damaged wardrobe at us. Luckily it fell a few feet short of us and we were just closing so it was empty. He was shouting and swearing at us because it was damaged. Mega scary. I turned around for a more experienced member of staff than me and they'd all bogged off and left me to deal with Mr. Manic! It was like David and Goliath, except there was no stone, only a refund voucher.
And this summer I worked as a mentor for children referred from Social Services. Many strange and funny things happened to us (needless to say)! Most memorable was when my mentee called my colleague a "spazmatic chicken" as an insult during an arguement. Another was the time half of us got stuck on a train with no money and no idea of where we going to end up. Even though I was stressed, I find it amusing now.
Oh and also, we all went to the park and a lad kicked our ball over the other side of a brook. So he jumped over to get it and couldn't get back. Another mentee jumped across to help and again, couldn't get back. So three of us mentors had to wade in and carry the kids across as neither of them could swim. We all looked like complete pillocks on the bus journey back sitting there sopping wet whilst the kids were completely bone dry.
In the last week we went fishing and had a mentor vs mentee competition. Myself and Luke caught four fish, Danni and Mikey caught a tree.