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 Post subject: Rules of the game- updated 6/5/07
PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2004 3:09 am 
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As Jim said, untill we find a copy of the rules these temporary rules will have to suffice:
Main PPT Rules

  • No Double Posting- That is two posts by the same person one after another. We understand that some people may have computer lag and accidedntly post the same message twice. We won't scold you for that, simply delete one of the posts. If you remember something you want to add, use the Image button (on the top-right of your posts) to fix it :)
  • Locked Topics- if a topic is locked, there is either a topic about that already or it is inappropriate. If your topic is locked, don't recreate it.
  • Flaming- There is a difference between flaming and debating. Debating is good; it is having a friendly argument about an IDEA. Flaming is bad; it is putting down another member.
  • Swearing- No swearing allowed. I believe the old forums allowed the OCCASIONAL "damn" "hell" or "crap" but don't over use it. Anything that was banned before is still not allowed. Your post WILL be edited.

Strike Policy
These forums operate a system to dissuade members from abusing the forums and/or each other. Abuse can take many forms and some of us have had first hand experience of this.

The Moderators of this forum have been empowered with the ability to award 'strike' points to members who don't follow the Terms & Conditions of the forum and any other general etiquette expected when taking part in this Community.

Therefore, if members fail to heed the Terms & Conditions of the forum, as we have seen in the past, or ignore requests from Moderators, they can expect to be jumped on.

The Moderators do not have to tell you if you have been awarded a 'strike', but they will regularly report any abuse of the Forum to the Administrators who will take action against repeat offenders.

Incase you're wondering just what might await you if you don't abide by the Terms & Conditions, then there is a simple guide below.

One strike will bring your future actions under close scrutiny by the Moderating team.

Two strikes will interest the Administrators, who will then pay special attention to you, and not in a good way.

If you manage to get three strikes, then you will find yourself banned from the forum for a set amount of time. This amount of time will depend on what you have done to earn those strikes in the first place.

Each strike thereafter, up to a maximum of six strikes will get you banned, again for a certain length of time to be determined by the Administrator dealing with you. When you reach six strikes, you're history. No discussion, no argument. The Administrator's decision is final.

Serious offences against the Forum or other users will result in an immediate ban.

All strikes will be wiped at the end of every month, apart from those with six strikes who will be permanently banned from the forums. The reasons for the strikes being awarded will be kept on file for future reference.

The vast majority of members will never get a strike as they conduct themselves perfectly respectably on the forum. The odd double post or less than three word response is not going to get you a strike. You will get a polite reminder from the Mods that you may want to carefully consider for next time, but if you respond badly to that advice, then they are perfectly within their rights to award you with a strike because of it.

We understand that people who are new to the board may make mistakes without realising it, so minor offences for those that have been here for a week or less will also be given the benefit of the doubt.

Thanks for reading.
The PPT Moderator Team.

I am, and forever will be, The Queer Alpaca

Last edited by Robin on Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:24 am 
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Hello and welcome to the Miscellaneous Discussion forum. This is the place to discuss all those things that don't really go anywhere else. However, that does not mean that you should post pointless threads.

**points up at Robin's post**
What she said, and these too:

1. All forum rules apply, read them, know them.

2. No controversial topics. No politics. These things belong in the Debate usergroup.

3. Do not Spam, see the forum rules for an excellent definition of what constitutes Spam here at PPT. Each post you make should be adding something meaningful to the subject at hand.

4. Be respectful to eachother. This means no flaming. You may not agree with something someone says, but this doesn't give you the right to attack them.

5. If you need homework help, post in the homework help sticky, it should be easily found at the top of the boards.

6. Do not link to sites that may contain innapropriate material. Even if the specific page you're linking to is appropriate, that doesn't stop everyone from clicking the 'Home' link.

7. Do not double post, if you have something else to say, use the Edit button: Image

Go forth and post, young grasshopper. If you have any questions, or need any help, PM any of this board's moderators, we are:

Xandraedit: Updated list of Misc. Disc. mods

Love is blindness. -- Set by my Secret Santa =D

 Post subject: "I'm Leaving" threads now partially banned.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 1:15 am 
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In recent months there has been a large increase in threads of this nature.

This stops now.

We are sorry to have to do this, but the percentage of these threads which give reasons such as "Nobody likes me", or "I just dont feel like I fit in anymore", far outweigh the "I have decided that I need to concentrate on my school work more", or similar, type.

By far the most common "reasons" for these sort of posts are really little more than poorly disguised attempts at emotional blackmail. Members are feeling lonely and want people to tell them that they actually think they are the best thing since sliced bread, and that they simply couldnt go on living if HappyPinkSunshineGirlRoxxors1994 left PPT.

This sort of behaviour is not welcome.

We will not let the actions of a few drama queens reflect badly on PPT and its membership as a whole.

Most people wish to be liked. This is normal, and providing you arent a total git, is a probable occurance at PPT. Im just about as close to being a total git as one can be without entering the land of Uber Gitdom, and people still seem to find my company enjoyable. Chances are some people like you too. There are better ways to find this out than running a poll.

If you feel the need to tell people you are leaving, but after rethinking your reasoning you suspect Mean Ol' Jim might just delete your thread and award you a strike ( Oh yes. That is exactly what will happen ), then PM the people you think will care. I personally couldnt care less if some secret little community of people want to pander to each others egos out of sight, but not out in plain view thankyou very much.

If you have a genuine reason, then by all means feel free to post. We are a community, and anyone genuinely leaving who choose to leave a fond farewell are more than welcome to do so. I am sorry that the petty actions of a small percentage of our membership may make some of you think twice before posting. If in doubt, feel free to PM me or another member of staff.

The Management


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:07 am 
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Rule reminder and clarification

In the wake of tragic world events, we do allow such threads to be made in Miscellaneous Discussion. However, these threads are for discussion, not debating. These threads are for the sharing of information and sympathy. Such terrible disasters are no time to start being jerks toward one another. We do have a debate board, so go use it if you really, really want to debate these things so badly. Otherwise, use common sense. You guys know better. I know you do.
If you see someone trying to steer one of these such threads into the wrong direction, contact a moderator immediately. Do not go posting on the thread. This only adds feeds the flame. If you see a post or posts that of a debatative nature, do not respond to them. Contact a moderator so that it can be taken care of properly.

Love is blindness. -- Set by my Secret Santa =D

 Post subject: For all Debate Boards Members {Future or Current}
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:25 pm 
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Attention! ---

If you are a member of the Debate usergroup and you feel the urge, inkling, or any other sort of unpleasant sensation, to create a thread on the Miscellaneous Discussion board that involves any of the following topics, please, suppress it! Those topics include, but are not limited to, discussions of religion, abortion, sexuality, human rights of any kind, science vs. religion, etc. There is a Debate usergroup for a reason. If you do not wish to use it any longer, we will gladly remove it so that all of your future "heated discussion" threads can, and will, be promptly locked. Thank you and have a nice day.

P.S. If you are unsure of a topic, PM me, but most likely, that questioning feeling you are having means that it does not belong on the Miscellaneous Discussion board.


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