((hey everyone! sorry for my lateish start... I like chipmunks. They're tasty.
Name: Sir Maddox Alexandria Magwitch Jehosephat Marley LXVIII
Race: mermaid-ish (will be explained later)
Gender: female
Age: 25
Skills/Current job: traveling minstrel. Has mad poetry skills, and is a practised liar.
Appearance: She has straight, reddish-brown hair that has been cut to fall somewhere between her chin and earlobes. Her avocado-green eyes are only complimented by her dazzlingly bright fuscia tail. Generally, she does not like to wear shells as clothing, as she finds such exposure indecent and that large crustaceans are not commonly found in freshwater, and those existing are not quite so prettily coloured. Instead, she prefers winter coats, Victorian-esque white shirts, and burlap sacks. Because she is a mermaid, she tends to stick to bodies of water, but when she needs to go on land, she has a little trolley-cart carrying a large glass case of water, into which she inserts herself and scoots along.
Personality: A compulsive liar, she has a habit of saying the most outrageous things with a completely straight face, as if it were the hard truth. She takes much joy in making up epic poems, especially adding to the one about her family. She is not one to carry grudges, but if angered, she will devise some delightful punishment for the offender. Maddox enjoys a good laugh, umbrellas, shiny baubles, words with double o's (like swoon, baboon, typhoon, and poo) and lemon meringue pies, while disliking people who have no sense of humour, the colour taupe, and prosthetic limbs.
History: Maddox has written a 5482-line epic poem (in a limping iambic pentameter peppered with a few iambic hexameters here and there) about her family history, starting with her 42nd cousin, 8 times removed, and tracing her family tree to her, the youngest of 17 children who were born and raised in a cabbage patch somewhere on the south side of a rather mountainous range of mountains. According to the poem, all 16 of her siblings were turned into cucumbers when a gargoyle accidentally sneezed on a bunch of dandelion fluff that fluttered its way into the cabbage patch and began to grow, spreading its ill will and malice over the entire family. Maddox survived by floundering over into a neighboring river (a rather daunting task, seeing how mermaids do not do well on land) and swimming to freedom.
It is not quite certain how much of her epic is true, for she is a compulsive liar, and did have to change a few words so that the line would follow meter.
She was knighted by the royal family for her contributions to society through her music and poetry (much like how the Beatles and Elton John were, except not really)
Again many apologies for coming in late, and even more for not posting an actual post right now (that may change in a couple of hours) ))