Ammer wrote:
Role: Severus Snape
Description: Severus Snape is a disgruntled staff member who has wanted the Defence Against the Dark Arts job since he can remember. Snape has been questioned about his loyalty to Dumbledore many times by Harry, the staff members and even the students at Hogwarts. However despite all this, Dumbledore trusts Snape and will never stop trusting him despite anything anyone says. Snape himself has grown to hate Harry over the years but is willing to help Harry when Harry's life is at stake. Snape can also be a small thorn in Harry's and his friend's side, Snape isn't all too nice to them,
"Five more points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all!"
Victory Condition: Depends.
Member(s): .:Compact Disk:.
What You Do:
1. You are in quite the rut at the moment, you have to choose between serving the Lord Voldermort or helping Dumbledore destroy Lord Voldemort. First you must decide what side you want to be on, when you make your decision PM me informing so. From there you will receive your role.If you do not decide after one cycle (One Day/One Night), a side will be randomly chosen for you.
You may now post at the Werewolf game thread.
After I chose Evil:
Ammer wrote:
Role: Severus Snape
Victory Condtion: All good is exterminated.
Member(s): sir_michael
What You Do:
1. You will be able to join the Death Eater's and will become a part of their team. Your individual role will be the point below.
2. Minerva McGonagall and you have made a friendly bet (Technically, you got into a fight and this was the solution) on whoever will get the most House Points will be the better professor. Therefore each night you will be able give ten points to your own team and take ten points away from the Gryffindor's House Points. To do this, send me PM informing me of this transaction and I will award it your points accordingly. The total points for each house will be displayed on the front page of the main Werewolf thread. The first house (Excluding Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw) to 100 points, will be able to revive a dead member. Once you reach 100 points, I will inform you and you can tell me who you wish to revive. If there is no dead member of a house, you can save up the revived power to revive someone later. If your house reaches 100 points after the Gryffindor house, nothing will happen.
3. You may vote on the main Werewolf thread.
4. Please put your role name in the title of your PM as it can easily get mixed up with other lists.
Role: Death Eaters
Description: Death Eaters are a group of Wizards and Witches who follow Lord Voldemort. They are willing to sacrifice anyone and anything for their master and will never bretray him -- Or will they? Some of the Death Eaters have children at Hogwarts found in the Slytherin house.
"How many will be brave enough to return when they feel [the Dark Mark on their arms turn black]? And how many will be foolish enough to stay away?"
- Lord Voldemort
Victory Condition: All good is exterminated.
Member(s): Bangel, Sock, Tharkun, .:Compact Disk:.
What You Do:
1. As a follower of Lord Voldemort, your sole purpose is to kill anyone who threatens the expansion of terror which Lord Voldemort plans to wreak or anyone who gets in the way. Therefore you must send me a list of four people each night before execution, the person on the top of the list will be attacked if they are alive and unaffected after the execution. If they are dead, the second person on the list will be attacked. Everytime you kill someone, you will create the Dark Mark around the place where the victim was killed marking your terrority. This is simply to cause fear in everyone else's eyes.
2. You must select a leader to send me the lists each night. If they are unable to send me the list, they must inform me of this and who will be sending it in instead. In the event the leader is killed, one of the remaining members may take over. Please PM me once a leader is chosen or any decisions regarding it is brought up.
3. Each of you will have a 50% shield which will decrease 5% each day. If you are targetted, I will randomize the amount of power the attacker's attack has and if it less than 50%, whoever is attacked will have that percentage subtraced from their shield making their shield less strong than it was before. If the attacker's attack is stronger, than whoever is attacked will die
4. You may make ONE day kill in any point of the game. To do so, PM me a list of four people and whoever is alive and unaffected will be killed.
5. If any of your roles are asked to be revealed, the part before the dotted lines will be shown. Your individual roles will remain secret.
6. You may vote in the main Werewolf thread.
7. Please put your role name in the title as it can easily get mixed up with someone else's list.
Ammer DID PM me striaght after saying it should be my name at the top. xDDDDD
Yeah, 'twas fun while it lasted.
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