No matter where you work, how nice most of your customers/clients are, there is always that one. That one who comes in 20 minutes after you've closed up and are getting ready to go home and expect you to put your personal life on hold (and because you're minutes from leaving work, it is your personal life, not your work life) to see that they are satisfied.
You did what you could, you said that the shop was closed but you would see if the manager could work something out. The manager was not available and the situation was left in your hands. You were not in a position to take the donations, and you said that it would be easier if they could come back tomorrow when you were open again. She didn't like that you didn't bend over backwords to help her donate the items, so she was rude and mean.
If she comes back, don't avoid her, treat her as if she is a respectable customer as you would any other customer. However, I would make someone else wait on her, since she thought it was ok to call you a mean name. When you act as if she had no effect on you, it'll throw her off. And you can be confident that you didn't do anything wrong.
Don't blame yourself for others rudeness. Take your experence with rude customers, and do you best to never become one of them.
I worked at a theater for six months, we had several people mad as ever when they came to the movies (we only showed one movie a night and stopped selling tickets 30 minutes after the movie started) 60 minutes into the movie and couldn't understand why we couldn't sell them a ticket. If I had hurt myself for everytime someone was rude, snide, mean, and downright stupid to me, I would be dead.
You cannot blame yourself for other people's rudeness. You're not responsible for them and it is not your fault.
*hugs* Just shrug them off, sure its not that easy, but you gotta try and put them out of your mind so you can live a happy life.
Skullsplitter wrote:
Yeah the woman is clearly a massive GENERIC NAME FOR A FEMALE CANINE and you shouldnt pay her any heed. There are horrid people in the world and one day you've got to accept that they DO exist, and that you're better than them.
...somehow you managed to put everything I said into a one paragraph.
How I hate you and your non-long windedness.