Alright, I have four images. The first two have already been fixed and bettered, leading to the second two. These are the designs for my two male Neopets, Spencer the Krawk and Draconia the Shoyru.
Description may contain language unsuitable for younger users. Nothing horrible, just words mom might not want you to hear. You've been warned.
These actually have very deep stories behind them, I didn't just slap the designs together. And, as you can see, they're actually quite simple. Take away Drac's bands and seals and he's a boring old shadow Shoyru; let Spence's hair grow out along his back, and he's like 50% of the Krawk population.
Comb through my gallery if you'd like =) I want comments and watchers, I get so little attention on DA even though I'm doing everything I've been told to do to be watched. I want criticism and praise and stuff, durnit! It's a gallery of Neopets, anthropomorphic, and animal art, with some photo manips, human, fan and fantasy art shoved in.