"Would everyone please go to the living room, it's time for the Veto Ceremony," asked Tested.
The Houseguests began to shuffle their way into the living room, they took their seats on the blue couches; Jamie took his respective seat in the red couch chairs.
"Welcome to the Veto ceremony," greeted Tested, "This is the Veto ceremony, I can veto any one of the two nominees. Jamie, why should I use the Veto on you?"
"Well, I don't expect you to use the Veto on me. I'd probably save myself. But if you want to, I'm not going to stop you," Jamie said.
"Hm," Tested paused and looked up once more,"If I were sure that I could survive this voting, I might use it on you, on the chance that you would do the same to me later. I trust anyone in this house enough to think that perhaps they will repeat favors, but we're getting quite close to the end of the game, and all alliances will be getting stronger. If I could guarantee that my safety would remain as alliances break and join in the weeks to come, I would be for helping my opponent. Unfortunately, while that tactic would have been perfect if I had won veto in my first nomination, nothing works that well by now. That is why, if you haven't already guessed, (and you should have!) I'm using the veto on myself. Good luck to whoever we end up voting for," he said, as he sat down on the nearest couch.
Nikita stood up, she spoke clearly and said, "I really don't know who I should put up now. So I'm just gonna go with Kugetsu, since I got put up last week by him. Sorry Kuge,"
Kugetsu nodded and walked towards the red couch and took his place on it.
"This meeting is adjourned," ended Tested.
The Houseguests rose from their seats and began to hug one another. One by one they left the living room.
Who will be evicted from the Big Brother House next? Kugetsu or Jamie?
Set by Medli
Last edited by Ammer on Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:21 am, edited 2 times in total.