Welcome to Big Brother, my name is Ammer and tonight is the fifth eviction night in the Big Brother house. Just five weeks ago, 15 Houseguest's entered this house to embark on a mission in obtaining 50,000nps. One by one they will evict one another until there is one remaining, that one Houseguest will win the grand prize. But first, this week was quite the ironic week.
After a tough week, Kugetsu won the fifth HOH competition sending the House into quite the mix. Kugetsu's nominations were unpredictable but he chose to nominate both o_0 and Nikita. o_0 was chosen for his incredible skills and Nikita was chosen due to her being a threat. At the Veto competition, Tested proved to be the best pool player and at the Veto ceremony, he chose not to use the Power of Veto. Both nominee's were left standing and now one of them may be sent home tonight.
"It has been an interesting week for all of the Houseguest's, let's see how they're doing,"
Ammer turned towards a screen which showed the Houseguest's sitting in the living room, both Bangel and Robert were in their red, couch seats.
"Hello Houseguests," greeted Ammer.
"Hi Ammer!" they yelled back.
"It looks like we're back here tonight, and to think, you all entered just five weeks ago," Ammer stated as the Houseguests nodded their heads in agreement, "However, this is how the game goes, either o_0 or Nikita will be evicted tonight, but we'll get back to that later. In the mean time, I'll ask some questions to some of you, first off is Tested. Tested, you won the Veto for the first time, how did that feel?" asked Ammer.
"It was fun, in a rather strange sort of way. I definitely didn't expect it... most strategies of mine don't work, and I was surprised when one did. I'm glad I got it, as it was fun to make a decision that really effects the game: whoever isn't evicted will be guaranteed to be on the jury, the winner, or the runner-up. I really would have felt bad if I had made the wrong decision and let the veto be used for a bad reason, so it was difficult to make my decision. This is getting rather long, so to sum it up, it felt like a little thinking adventure," he explained after taking a deep breath
"Monique, are you relieved not to be nominated? You were HOH last week so I would assume that weighed heavily on your actions this week?"
"I'm definately relieved I'm not nominated, just like everyone else probably," she continued, "And I don't think being HOH weighed heavily on my actions this week consdiering the fact that I didn't do anything this week. lol so yah there were no actions to 'weigh heavily' on! Luv ya lots!" she replied with a wink.
"Well, that was interesting. Thank you Monique. Onto our first nominee, o_0, you were nominated twice, both reasons stating you were a "threat". Is this a fair assumption?"
"I don't know. I guess people may think that due to Werewolf, but I don't really think it's true," he said.
"I see; Finally, Nikita, you were HOH one week and now you're nominated. Do you think this nomination is a reprecussion of your HOH week? asked Ammer.
"I don't really think so. When Kuge put me up, he mentioned that he found me to be a threat when the jury was choosing, not because I was a strong player and won an HoH," she replied.
"I see, I'll come back in a few minutes sit tight Houseguests," Ammer said, as he turned away from the screen.
"Welcome back, I'm Ammer and in a few second the votes will be revealed. Who has the house decided to evict, o_0 or Nikita? Let's find out," Ammer said as he turned to the screen, "Hello Houseguests, in a few minutes I will reveal the votes. But before I do, o_0, Nikita, please say your last words to the house as one of you will be leaving soon. o_0, you may start first,"
o_0 shoke his head and said, "It's okay, I think the Houseguests know how I feel,"
"I see, Nikita, it's your turn,"
Nikita began to speak, "It was fun, and I'm really glad I joined the game. I really didn't plan to at first, but I'm happy with my decision in the end. Through the game I got to meet a few more PPTers as well as become closer to those I already knew,"
"Thank you Nikita, it's now time for the votes to be revealed," Ammer said as he began opening an envelope and inside a small sheet was taken out. Ammer looked at it and looked back at the screen and said, "By a vote of 5 to 2, o_0l, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house,"
o_0 nodded and stood up, he walked towards the door. The Houseguest's followed and he began to hug each of them; he walked to his bag and yelled the phrase, "Goodbye!" and walked out the door. The Houseguest's looked at the icon's displayed on a wall in the house and saw o_0's icon turn gray, some Houseguest's let out a gasp while others ignored it.
"Hello o_0," welcomed Ammer as o_0 put his bag down and shook his hand. They both took a seat on a semi-circle couch and Ammer faced towards o_0 and asked, "o_0, now that you've been the fifth Houseguest to leave the Big Brother house; how does that feel?"
o_0 answered, "Sad, because I wanted to be in the jury. It's not any fun if I don't get to get 'revenge',"
"You were nominated twice in this game (One week after another), how did that feel?"
"Slightly annoying, but I guess there's nothing I could do about it. I mean, it's just a game, and I shouldn't spend my life worrying about it," he said shrugging shoulders.
"Did you believe the Houseguests who assumed you were a threat based on Werewolf were right?"
"I really do not think so. Werewolf and Big Brother may be the same in the "manipulate your friends" aspect, but I'm not good at that in Werewolf anyway. Big Brother also requires skill and luck, like Werewolf does, but I'm crap at both," he explained.
"The first time you were nominated, Matterbug used the veto on you. Tell me, what was the real reason for this?"
"Because I guilted him into it. Okay, no, I may have done that, but before the game even started, we "formed an alliance" because we both loved Big Brother, and had been talking to each other for all of American Season 6,"
"I see; well now that you're evicted from the Big Brother house, who do you want to win?"
"Matterbug, I guess. I mean, I don't like to turn on my alliances, and his was the first that I made," he said firmly.
"I see; well o_0 before I send you on your way, I have something to reveal to you. This week, one of your previous Housemates will be returning? Unfortunately, you are uneligible to return but considering an evicted Houseguest will be returning tonight, I thought you should know,"
"Hm, that's interesting. Nice twist,"
"Coming up next, the new Houseguest and the HOH competition,"
"Houseguests?" asked Ammer as he turned once more to the flat screen.
"Oh, Ammer, is it time for the HOH competition?" Monique asked.
"Yes and no. HOH will be coming up shortly but I must reveal something to you. Last week, I asked each of you a question on who you'd want to return to the Big Brother house. However, little did you know that you were actually voting for someone to return," he explained.
Various Houseguests let out a gasp while others stared in shock.
"In a few minutes, either Kidwaiy, ArwenEarendil, Stephanie or Bangel will walk through those doors. When the doorbell rings, I would advise you to answer it," Ammer instructed.
The Houseguests let out shrieks and some laughed. Some were nervous while others were anxious to run to the door.
All of a sudden, the Houseguests leapt from their seats and ran to the door. They all scrambled the front and opened the door to see Stephanie standing there smiling.
"I'm back!" she yelled.
All of the Houseguests yelled in excitement and began to hug her. They all began to tell her of the time they missed without her and began to converse with her once more.
"Now that Stephanie has returned to the Big Brother house, will the game be shifted? Will Stephanie's second chance land her at a spot at the final two once more? All these questions will be answered sooner or later, until next time, I'm Ammer, goodnight,"
HOH Competition #6
The winner will be posted tomorrow.
(No, this is not a mistake)
Set by Medli