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 Post subject: Ratings
PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:46 pm 
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Any ratings on graphics goes here and only here, no stray topics. ;P

Ratings Board Rules:

1. Keep your criticism constructive.
2. You must give/get ratings at a ratio of at least 1:1, that means for every graphic you ask for ratings on, you must rate at least one other. And I mean a meaningful, well-thought out rating, not just a number or "that's good."
New Addition: These numbers do not stack up. If you rated two sets and asked for one rating, you cannot make a post later asking for one free rating because you rated earlier.
And be good about your ratings, if I see continue to see many ratings that simply say "that's good" in many words, I will raise the ratio to 3:1.

3. You may not ask for ratings on work that you did not make.
To get you all started again, try the end of the last split.

Requiem: Pretty neat. I'm not exactly sure what kinda effect you were going for, since you mention something about "ice" and something about "dance" yet the background doesn't reflect that (perhaps that's intentional), but in terms of aesthetics, it's pretty much as good as it can get. Maybe lighten the border a bit to a semi-soft blue.

Ammer: I don't really understand why you credited me, since all I did was the randomiser file which isn't used here. :P Anyway, I can really only rate the part you did (see rule 3 up there). I like the touches you added to the eyes. The grey areas swirling up from the right of her head don't really fit in there though; a brighter orange would've worked better or even the entire omission of the curves.

(Oh, any ratings on my current set would be nice too. If you do, please keep in mind that it's from scratch, so any critique on how the car or fence or whatever was drawn are very welcome too.)

Image Image

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:54 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Yoshi--I love your sets, I really do. I saw it thought it was a photograph that had been tweaked a bit, on the car. I'm not sureI entirely understand the meaning of the text, but it looks/sounds nice anyway ^^ The rain is excellent, very well done.

Rating on my current set?

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:28 pm 
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Requiem ~> I really like your simple and pretty set. The golden colors behind the animal [I'm not sure what animal ^^;; ...Cat? ] is awesome and I like how it really shows off the dark animal.

I also like how your name is in between your subtext and is emphasized by being a different type font. n_n

The only thing that kinda bothers me is the bottom part of the animal. It looks like the shadow. I guess it's a bit weird because it's like merged with the animal since they're both black. oO; Guess that was part of the original picture.

But overall, great job. I love the vibrant golden color in one spot and how the soft golden orangy color is all over the set. -^^-

set by me | 12.17.o5

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:42 am 
PPT Toddler
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Requiem- I love how your siggy is vibrant yet elegant at the same time, with, as mentioned before, the bright point of the sun and everything else so soft and blending around it. I didn't quite understand the subtext right away, but it is very nicely placed around the cat and your name. It catches your eye right away... and looks so cool on subBlACK!

Any comments on my av/siggy set? (I just made it a half and hour ago, a really sloppy set I might add.)


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:14 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Webkitty - Really cool animation! I'm using subRed, and I THINK I see a border (white), but I'm unsure. If there was a green border, it would look better. It's a very good set. I've never rated anything like it, so I don't know how! ^^'

Req-Chan - It's very nice, but the picture is far too plain for my taste. I don't know what programs you used, so I could give you any tips, but it is a bit plain. Agreeing with Sweet Pea, I like the way the text and the subtext flow, if I knew was a Requiem was...roflol. Very nice job.

Since I realised I would be entering something else in PPTTG, I'd like my current set some ratings:

Image Image ... gimage.jpg

I figured out a way to have a graphic, and not have any distortion of any kind! ^^ PM me (but if you have PSP 8 and above).


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:08 am 
Beyond Godly
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Req uses Paint I believe. :P

DM -

I like your set very muchos. It's cool, I really like thin and long sets. I like the fact that you didn't make your avatar the full 80 x 80. They look really cool besides each other. You have a very unique style, it's very nice and matches very easily. Seriously, I can tell your work within a mile. A few things I would like to point out... well, actually just two. :P The blue guy has a few squares around his face, and that looks a bit wierd. And secondly, the main text and the subtext are the same color, so neither stands out more... Well the main text does, cause it's bigger. But I meant that it looks like they're flat... (I remember a PPTTG judge telling me this once. :P)

Otherwise, it looks awsome. Good job. :P


Can anyone rate this one?

Image Image

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:42 am 
Beyond Godly
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Yup, paint. Plus a homemade program called Transparency ('cause that's what it does) that has something similar to a blur tool, which is how I did the background.

WIS--I've been admiring that set every time I see it! The liney bits and stars and all that in the background fit the mood and add to the set really nicely without being overwhelming. The image is really well placed, as is the text, and none of it looks crowded or anything. Normally I'd object to the white/black subtext because it stands out so much, but in this case I think it works really well. The only things I really don't like here are A) the credit to the quote (-yeats) in the signature, which doesn't add to anything, is unnecessary, and seems to clutter it a bit. But if it was a request and that's how they wanted it...
and, B) the avatar text. It looks very cool, but it doesn't match the sig, which kind of annoys me.

EDIT: DM-chan...a Requiem is a song for the dead, hence the use of it as part of the subtext. (Samhain is the 'pagan halloween' and is sort of a celebration for those who have died.)

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:20 pm 
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(Psst...WIS. The blue "guy" is actually a girl...just wanted to let you know before the Ojamajo Doremi Nerd (DM) hurts you...badly.)

SDMC// I remember you showing this to me in it's very primitive stages, and it did change a lot. I myself will point out a couple of things: I don't know if this is subBlack doing this, but the border looks thick. If I put it on subRed, it'll probbly look like the regular one PX border, but it looks thick here. Also, it's kind of hard to tell if the text has a outline or not. On the swirls, it looks like it has atleast a dropshadow, but no outline. Aside from that, VERY nice job SDMC! And you tell me my graphics are good. :P

WIS...person// HOLY CRA--CRUD! That's freakin' amazing! I love the whole grunge thing, and as I see it, there isn't a thing wrong with it! However, on the top, when the brushes cross over the border, it bothers me a little, but, there isn't anything to change that.

Anyone care to rate this set? Just so you know, it's been about a year since I made ANYTHING, so...go a little easy on me? ^^'

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Suzi Rawn is my antidrug.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:43 pm 
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I think it's pretty good. ^^

I like how the overall soft pink color goes with the red/pink girl well. I don't really like the top left corner of your sig. I'm using subBlack so I don't know if you did something transparent like a cutout. The lines are too rough.

I like how the text is really merged into the banner, looking kinda flat. Cuz 3D text isn't always fitting. But your name is a bit too wide-looking on the set and I would have like one of the text [ your name or the subtext ] to pop out more with a different color.

I still think your set is cute. ^-^

set by me | 12.17.o5

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:52 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I agree with Sweet Pea on how cute your set is, Gwendolyn. =D My one problem I have with it is the same as Sweet Pea's - the top left part of your signature. It isn't even cutouts, one line is more slanted than the other. That irks me. Still cute, though!

|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:40 am 
Beyond Godly
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Gwen, I really like your's. It reminds me a lot of the sets DM used to make though. :P The set really matches well, and it draws a lot of attention to the main image. I like your image choice as well. ^_^ A few things though, one is that the cutout bothers me. And the second is that I think you should make either the main text stand out more, (i.e. have a darker stroke) or have the subtext stand out more.

Also, can someone rate this LJ icon/MSN icon I made?


Original Image: ... o10062.gif

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:52 pm 
Beyond Godly
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WIS--you did truly amazing things with that image...the bronzy colors are just gorgeous, and the text stands out perfect amount, just enough that it's legible but doesn't detract from the overall image. Only thing that bugs me is the little bit at the botto. Is that supposed to be text? (I could dig up Icey's request, but I'm laaazy)

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:16 pm 
Beyond Godly
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.:Requiem:. wrote:
WIS--you did truly amazing things with that image...the bronzy colors are just gorgeous, and the text stands out perfect amount, just enough that it's legible but doesn't detract from the overall image. Only thing that bugs me is the little bit at the botto. Is that supposed to be text? (I could dig up Icey's request, but I'm laaazy)

Yush, it isn't legible though. :P But it kinda looks pretty just sitting there.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:21 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Yeh...woah! I just scrolled up to look at it and could suddenly read it. Nifty. It does look pretty. ^^

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:00 am 
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WIS: I love the coloring. The kind of rusty orange and the black go well together. The score in the background is also a nice touch. *sqints* I can't read the subtext very well...though I think I see the word 'key' it a user name?

Will someone rate my set? I've been on hiatus and this is the first thing I've made since I first joined(sometime in june I think). It's not very good, but I'd just like to know what I can do to make it better



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