Kugetsu wrote:
SpiraLethe wrote:
I have a feeling being an atheist and an only child counted against my score and that kinda makes me angry since I don't consider those things negative. Funny enough, my spirit score isn't as low as I thought it would be even though I'm one of the least spiritual people I know. At least I have a sense of what the person made this quiz is like even though I find this quiz highly innaccurate and slightly offensive.
Actually putting Atheist raises your Spirit and Mind score .2 as opposed to Christianity and New Age. The others stay the same. I'd be more offended if I were of a different religion.
That's a bit offensive as well. Why should religion matter at all? However, if they made so that your answers to the other questions would somehow affect your overall score, that is if they check to see if your other answers are consistent with your prescribed religious beliefs, then that'd make a lot more sense. But I somehow doubt that this quiz is that complex.
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