I like giving my sister random nicknames. If they bug her, so much the better. Recent ones: Smee, Yurtle (the turtle), Jah Jah le Feh, and Meeple.
Oddly textured food really bothers me. Like biting into cartilage when you're eating meat, or somthing that's too mushy (e.g. eggplant).
I sleep with at least two pillows.
I like not-(yet)-official words like "glomp", "yayness", "hoobly", "gigglesnort" and "pashaw".
I turn red at random intervals when spoken to.
It *really* bugs me that some of my friends don't want to vote.
I'm cold blooded. If it's less than 60 degrees F in a room, I'll be freezing. I get really cold at night, and I get cold in movie theatres and on airplanes. In fact, I'm cold right now, just sitting here typing this...
I don't think that's so weird. The air conditioning is always too high in theatres and on planes, and in malls for that matter.
Thanks to Kristina for the set!