_jade_em_The skies ignitedIt works, but honestly, this is pretty much what comes directly to mind when I saw the image. This is what I call a "two second subtext" because I don't think it takes much to come up with. If you absolutely can think of nothing but generics, then at least substitute words somehow to make it different.
.:Requiem:. Fire bathes the western skiesAgain, it is pretty generic. However, I like how you added in some words like western to make the length pretty good. I also like the word "bathes", I find it to describe the way the light covers the image very well.
amarise AriseHo hum. I do like the word you chose to use. But this isn't "Word King/Queen", it's Subtext King/Queen. I find one word subtexts to barely ever work out well, and I don't believe this is a time where it does work. This competition, to me anyway, is more than just finding a good phrase. It's about the technical aspects as well, such as making the subtext fit on the signature based on the amount of space. I think this short of a subtext would hurt the signature more than help it, because it already has a lot of empty space as it is.
Anubis Alluring SunsetI really like the use of the word alluring, because in my opinion, good adjectives are the difference between a good subtext and a bad subtext. However, the word "sunset" doesn't follow up well to the powerful adjective. Maybe take a different point on it. Random example is Requiem, who used fire to describe the sunset instead of just saying "sunset".
Blk Mage The Fiery Birth of A New DayI like how you decided to go with the flipside approach- a sunrise. That shows some real potential with originality, and I like to see that. Regardless of other judges, I took this signature as either a sunrise or a sunset, and I was disappointed when a lot of people just chose the obvious approach. The word fiery really sets this subtext... ablaze. Without the single word, I probably would be voting you out.
Fiddelysquat *fade in* The dawn of a new day... *fade out*Note to everyone reading this: fades = bad. Well. I can see opposing viewpoints, but in my opinion, they're a waste of file size and time, especially when they aren't needed. There are times when they work well, and times when they're really a bad option. Unfortunately, I think this falls into the latter. However, I do like the subtext itself. Again, because you thought out of the box. You took what almost everyone else took as something entirely different and changed the meaning of the image entirely, which I deeply like.
Forest_Majesty Ethereal Blaze -fade out--fade in- Burning TrueThis, I think, is one of the rare occurences where I think a fade works well. I like the subtext very much myself, and the only problem I see with it is a slight problem with originality. Tons of people went with the fire viewpoint, and though I do like that viewpoint, it's been really overused this round. Don't be afraid to step out into your own territory, because chances are judges (at least me, anyway) will like that best. You've shown a good amount of powerful adjectives and I really like that.
Jen Land of the Rising Sun.Eh. This had some potential, and could have been a powerful subtext, but it pretty much flopped in my opinion. It's all about those powerful adjectives. So many words could have been changed in this subtext to make it better. If in doubt, go to
http://www.thesaurus.com and pick whatever words you find interesting as substitutes. Sure to make me, at least, happy. :)
Kidwaiy Can't set if the sun doesn't riseNot my favorite, I have to say. It's... confusing, as well as a bit gramatically incorrect (I think...?). The length is alright, I guess, and there's really nothing more for me to say. I guess I do like how you incorporated more than just a sunrise/sunset alone, but implied the presence of both. That wins you some points.
mjrinella Sunny Moments are life's quiet treasuresSince this doesn't really show a "sunny moment", I've got to say this doesn't fit all too well. Maybe if you had said "Dusk's Moments are life's quiet treasures" (or Dawn's, depending on which side you choose to go on). Plus, just for future reference, if you're going to capitilize some words, you might as well capitilize all of them. That, or none at all (excluding the first letter of the subtext, since you know, that's all happy and grammarful and all).
paperfacesX022 As the sun rises . . . *fade* as the sun falls . . .Love it. :) You took what I don't think anyone else in this round truly, truly did and decided that since there was so much debate on what the picture was of, you'd just incorporate both for the hell of it. That was probably not even close to your mindframe at the time, but you get the point. ;P And this is also a time where the fade works well (wow. Two in a round. That's rare). All in all, keep up the good work.
pattypus Saying goodnight to the worldI like this one. :) You didn't go for "OMG IT'S A SUNSET WITH PRETTY COLORS AND LOTS OF COOL ADJECTIVES INFRONT OF IT" but instead went for a metaphor (or whatever it is) for the sunset instead. I know this is hardly a nitpick, but if I have to point out some mistake, the word 'saying' could be less bland. For example, maybe "bidding goodnight to the world"?
sirclucky Sailor's worst fear*fade out* Lovers draw nearAw, I like this one. The rhyme is a great touch. Unfortunately, some people don't know the whole story about the whole sailor thing, so I can see how they wouldn't get it. But for people that do, this subtext is really good. Nothing for me to critique on here, I don't think.
Stephanie *fade in* The end of a perfect night...... *fade out* * fade in* The beginning of a brand new day...So much fading. Honestly, if you're going to do a fade, it's probably better to just have one part fade out and the other come beneath it. Multiple fades are pretty annoying and personally, I'd get bored sitting for a while waiting for all of subtext to show up. I like this one, though. I know I said earlier that I thought paperface's was the only one that talked about both sunsets/sunrises, but it appears yours does too. :) I like it, and good job.
Twinkle Light on the horizon.Despite your stellar subtext history, I've gotta say this really isn't one of your bests. It works well enough, and the length is okay, but it really isn't... superior. The word light could be replaced with a better word easily, and as I said to another person (I've forgotten who, sadly) if you need to think of better words, and even if you think your words are great, it doesn't hurt to chuck some words into
http://www.thesaurus.com and see what nice alternatives come up.
WIS Setting the skies ablazeYou pretty much took the same path as a lot of people did, and for that I can't greatly applaud you. This one does, however, represent what I think the image represents- you don't know if it's a sunrise or a sunset. If you were asked to identify what the image was of by subtext alone, I guarantee to you that at least 50% of the subtexts this round would tell you quite bluntly. However, in this one, no one would be able to tell which one you were referring to- which is exactly what the image, in my opinion, itself represents.
Xil..Our fates fold in the half sun..The periods are pretty unneeded, and I don't think there is any pixel font (or regular font alike) that could display this subtext with the periods with optimal viewing. Despite that incredibly small detail, I like this one. I like the phrase itself, and as the subtext above this, it doesn't entirely specify if you're talking about a sunrise or a sunset. I like it.
1. Kidwaiy
2. Amarise
3. Jade_em
Sorry guys. :(
I've always found sunsets to be purpley & duskish. Whereas sunrises to be red & orangey/dawnish.
I've seen both have opposite colors than what you described, as well as the same. It really varies, I think.