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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:36 pm 
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Judge's Notes: This round was nice, but it seemed quite repetitive. Many of the words were repeated and I feel that there are more words to describe the forest besides "Emerald". And many of you should think outside of the box and put something which isn't quite evident in the picture, in the subtext. It can add that special something to a subtext. Overall, it was an okay round. Not the best.


Mythical jungle *fade* Reverberating allure

I think this one is nice, but I don't think "Mythical jungle" per say, fits. I would says "Magical forest" because it adds to the second part of your signature. The first part seems out of place. But good overall.

Rate: 7/10

Walk the secluded woodland paths...

I like this one; although I would think "Walking the secluded woodland paths" would've made sense. I do like how you added the ellipses, good job.

Rate: 9/10

Emerald Passage

I like this one; you managed to use an entirely different descriptive word and it works. Good job.

Rate: 8.75/10

Blk Mage
An Evergreen Escapade

Let me say this subtext is a huge improvement from your previous one's. I believe it fits very well, good job.

Rate: 9.25/10

Amongst the whispers of the trees...

I love this one; some may be confused as to what exactly is amongst the wispers of the trees but I think it's rather artistic. Great job.

Rate: 10/10

These Cryptic Woods... *fade out* *fade in* Cloak Every Path

I like how went on a different approach to this signature; I don't think anyone worded it like you did. But, I don't know, "These Cryptic Woods" sound a bit Halloween-ish to me but they do work. I like this subtext, it's good; so you'll get points for that.

Rate: 8/10

(fade in)In the forest (fade out) (fade in) Of emerald enchantment (fade out)

Perhaps some of you need to get past the word "emerald" as something to describe the forest; they are plenty of others words. But in this case, it works really well and I'm suprised no one used a similar subtext to what you did. Good job.

Rate: 8/10

The trees hold their own mystery

This subtext is okay; I mean, it fits in a sense but I don't think that would be the most applicable subtext for this signature.

Rate: 6.75/10

A woodland adventure awaits

This one is nice, it's nothing brilliant or ridiculous. It's nice and simple. Good job.

Rate: 7.75/10

Come enter the oblique

I can see why you put "oblique" but it feels to me that the word itself is out of place. It just doesn't fit in the subtext as a whole and can be confusing. To me, it doesn't really fit the signature.

Rate: 5/10

A secluded path *fade* A distant laugh

Is 'path' and 'laugh' supposed to rhyme? Because when I said it, it did. Anywho, I like how you added something else to the image ("A distant laugh") and you thought outside of the box. Good job.

Rate: 8.5/10


I choose to eliminate...

1. Twinkle
2. paperfacesX022
3. _jade_em_

And _jade_em_, this was posted on Sunday and today is Sunday for me, so by my standards, I'm on time.

Set by Medli

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:52 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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A Christmas themed one is good for me! ^^

ROUND NOTE: If you whistle at night, burglars will come.
REAL ROUND NOTE: Just to let everyone know, don't go too crazy with the fades. They make the signature's size too large and you'll have to optimze it, which makes it loose colour

Jade - Can we say sudden Reilent K vibe? oO Their newest single has the word reverberating in it. Anyway, it is a good subtext. I like it. Enough said.

Anubis - It's kinda blah. It's just missing something, but I can't tell what...maybe it's the fact that it's just a bit too short.

Blk Mage - THis one's a bit blah too. I don't really see them as evergreens. Maybe it's just me, but I kinda see them as pine trees...but that's because my yard is swarming with them. XD

Fidds - Among would've gone better with amongst, in my opinion. Amongst just overdramatizes it. Overdramatized subtext = not good.

FM - :o I love it! That's it.

mjrinella - Almost too many fades, but it works. Just check out my round note. ;)

Paperfaces - It would've been better if it was the trees hold a mystery, just my opinion.

Twinkle - RE-EDITED RATING Me no happy. Me have no John Reuben to listen to. XD Anyway, now that you've defined iit, I understand. It is a good subtext...however, I don't know if the angle was on purpose or not. <__<

SIW-SIW - Nice poetic touch. :) I like it...that's it.

NOTE TO SELF: Get dictionary, find place where I can watch the video for Nuisance.
But Doin's just as good.

I can't wait until this gets shorter...gahaha.

EDIT 2 - Forgot...

1: Anubis
2: Fidds
3: Blk Mage

Now if you'll excuse me, I'ma go yell at the people who did the John Reuben page...'cause I'm hearing Nuisance, just not seeing it. <__<

EDIT 3 - Pattypus - I love it! <3 There isn't much I can say. It's REALLY good.
Req - It reminds me of WIS' with the word secluded...however, yous does not have the fade, and it doesn't have the poetic touch. It's nice, but it needs something more.

Sorry I forgot you guys.


Last edited by DM was on fire! on Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:06 pm 
Beyond Godly
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DM was on fire! wrote:
Twinkle - Oblique? I need a dictionary before I do this job again. <__< At first I thought it said opaque, and realised that my glasses needed cleaning.

Oblique = "slanting or inclined in direction or course or position--neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angular; "the oblique rays of the winter sun"; "acute and obtuse angles are oblique angles"; "the axis of an oblique cone is not perpendicular to its base"

I felt that the picture of the forest was distorted and at a twisted angle. *shrugs* I hope you're not going to eliminate me because you didn't know what it meant. I'd rather be eliminated because it's rubbish. 8)

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:09 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Actually, I forgot to eliminate period, hold on. XD


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:11 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I know it's cheeky but now I've defined oblique for you, can you rerate?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:18 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Me still unhappy. Me have no John Reuben.
*goes ballistic and passes out*


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:38 pm 
Beyond Godly
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DM was on fire! wrote:
Anubis - It's kinda blah. It's just missing something, but I can't tell what...maybe it's the fact that it's just a bit too short.

There isn't a lot of space on the signature.

I would also like to know what can be done to improve my subtext, since you hate it so much and yet you do not give a reason.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:51 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Anubis wrote:
DM was on fire! wrote:
Anubis - It's kinda blah. It's just missing something, but I can't tell what...maybe it's the fact that it's just a bit too short.

There isn't a lot of space on the signature.

Yes, there is. Depending on what font you use. If you use a pixel font, there's still round 65px of space left, and there isn't much you can do with that.

Using a larger font, such as Century Gothic or Arial, you would have less empty space, but your problem would be that you can't see the picture.

The main reason I voted you out is that I'm judign from a graphics makers point of view. That's where the above comes into play.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:21 pm 
Beyond Godly
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DM...maybe you could rate all the subtexts? XD

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:55 pm 
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Changed my mind for a number of reasons. Going to rate. :)

Mythical jungle *fade* Reverberating allure
I like it. :) Reverberating is a very powerful word, I love it. Unlike Ammer, I like the phrase 'mythical jungle'. To me it seems like you took Ammer's phrase 'magical forest' and made it better. *shrug* The fade works okay here, too. No major complaints.

Walk the secluded woodland paths...
Nice one. The signature's main object is a path in the woods, as I see it, but most people commented more on the woods itself than the particular path. There's nothing wrong with that, really, but I like how you took things a different way. Secluded is a good word. I think some of the words could be evaluated a bit more- for example "Walk the secluded hinterland terrace..." or something? But no serious complaints here, I like it.

Emerald Passage
I have to agree that it is a little short, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. Emerald is a great substitution word, I'm glad at least someone is listening to my odd and lengthy rants about word substitution. Passage is also a nice word, better than something bland like... walkway or something. I don't know. But it works well enough.

Blk Mage
An Evergreen Escapade
Alliteration! *tacklehug* But a nitpick. The trees aren't evergreens. If you're going to use figurative language it has to make sense. If I had signature about blue cheese, you wouldn't describe it as cheddar, would you? Evergreens = Christmas trees. These trees are definitely not. Escapade is a great word though, and all in all this is a pretty okay subtext.

Amongst the whispers of the trees...
I disagree with DM. This signature to me SCREAMS drama or mystery, and you covered it excellently. There's nothing in this subtext that could be improved upon, and I have absolutely no critiques for this. Great job, Fidds.

These Cryptic Woods... *fade out* *fade in* Cloak Every Path
Technically, it doesn't really make sense. You can see the path quite clearly in the signature, it's not cloaked at all. You're also leaning on over fading. However, "the cryptic woods" is an excellent phrase. As I said in Fiddelysquat's rating, this signature is very dramatic and mysterious in my opinion, and the word cryptic covered that feeling marvellously.

(fade in)In the forest (fade out) (fade in) Of emerald enchantment (fade out)
Way too much fading here. One fade between the two phrases would be only semi okay, in my opinion, and that's me being lenient. Other than that, this subtext is just okay. It doesn't wow me, nor does it end up in me running away in disgust. Borderline is all I can describe this with.

The trees hold their own mystery
I know I said this signature says mystery to me, but this is far too blunt. First off, we can see the signature shows mystery (or at least I can). So evaluate on that! Tell me about the mystery, not that there is mystery. Maybe "The trees hold their own mystification" or something like that. I know it's not a great example, but it's something.

A woodland adventure awaits
Borderline. It's just a bit boring. It could possibly have potential if you used different words, for I find this phrase to contain quite a few words that are just everyday common words. That's not what a subtext is for. For the... third, is it? round I'm going to post the link to because some of you need it. I plugged in some random words that popped up for words you had and came up with "A timberland journey abides", which I think has more of the wow factor than yours. But as I said, it has potential.

Come enter the oblique
Personally, I like it. One of the first things I noticed about this signature was the angle the picture was at, and I'm surprised no one else commented on it. I'm trying to think of something to suggest for you to improve on, and plugging in words into my wonderful thesarus to see if I can find anything better suited, but I just can't. That must mean it's a good subtext.

A secluded path *fade* A distant laugh
I like the rhyme, rhymes are always good. The fade here is almost a fundamental thing, and that is so incredibly rare that I am in a state of not really awe, but close enough to be counted as awe. Secluded is a nice word. I like the last phrase. I have no idea how it relates to the signature, but I do like it and somehow I believe it works well.

1. paperfacesX022
2. mjrinella
3. pattypus

Sorry guys.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:51 am 
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DM, you forgot 3 people in your ratings.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:53 am 
Beyond Godly
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I am SO sorry. I haven't been able to get on for 2 days now. I'm having computer problems. If you'd please give me until tommorrow I promise I'll do them.

Many apologies to all. ~ CD

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 1:11 am 
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Judges Notes:
This round had lots of possibilities, and I don’t think they were properly used. This signature just screams mystery to me. You could have stayed away from the green, and the forest and just went for the mysteriousness of the signature, and your subtext would have been just as good.

Mythical jungle *fade* Reverberating allure
Nice fade, nice words, actually great words. I really like how you used ‘jungle’ instead of forest. This is an excellent subtext.

Walk the secluded woodland paths...
I like how you made the path your main focus, and let the woods be the secondary subject in the subtext. Very nice.

Emerald Passage
A little short in my opinion, but there isn’t a ton of room on this signature, so it passes. I like the word ‘emerald’, and I also like how you focused on the pathway. Nice.

Blk Mage
An Evergreen Escapade
I think this would have worked better if the trees were evergreen trees. I do like the ‘Escapade’ part.

Amongst the whispers of the trees...
Excellent job on this one. The signature really has an aura of mystery or suspense, and this subtext really captures it. Nice job.

These Cryptic Woods... *fade out* *fade in* Cloak Every Path
I like this one, except for one thing. “These Cryptic Woods” just doesn’t sound right to me. “The Cryptic Woods” sounds much better in my opinion.

(fade in)In the forest (fade out) (fade in) Of emerald enchantment (fade out)
Hmm, kind of unsure about this one. It is a little fade heavy, this isn’t a great signature for fades, and your choice of words at the beginning isn’t the best. I mean, how many better words than forest can you think of? Even ‘woods’ would have been better.

The trees hold their own mystery
The signature is mysterious, but the way you have worded this just doesn’t seem right to me. “The Mystery Of The Trees” would be better I think, your just seems to long and drawn out.

A woodland adventure awaits
This makes me picture a happy forest scene with unicorns and rainbows. This signature really isn’t that happy. It is more mysterious, and I don’t think this subtext has the right mood.

Come enter the oblique
I really, really like this one. No one but you really touched on the angle of the signature. A few people came close, but you did it. I think this is an excellent subtext!

A secluded path *fade* A distant laugh
Whenever you have a rhyme, fades are almost always a must. Now, I’m not a huge rhyme fan, but I think this works pretty well. I really like the word ‘secluded’, it describes the picture and touches onto the mysteriousness.

I chose to eliminate:
1. pattypus
2. mjrinella
3. paperfacesX022

I will give everyone until tomorrow to do/finish their ratings. It is the holiday season, people are busy, I understand. If the ratings are not in by tomorrow though, we are moving on.


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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:29 am 
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Dawn did not submit all of her ratings, so her votes cannot be counted. CD didn't submit any ratings either. This is their last chance.

Round 4

mjrinella, paperfacesX022, and pattypus have been eliminated.


You have until Friday December 16 to submit a subtext. Good luck!


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:42 am 
Beyond Godly
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Candlelit snowfalls, a comforting reason *fade* to have a warm, cozy holiday season

Totally changing.

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Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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