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 Post subject: Boarding School for Gifted ((OPEN))((Beginners Welcome))
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:57 am 

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Okay so I couldn't really find a roleplay that I actually liked so I decided that I might create one of my own and see wha happens. I love the boarding school for gifted rps and if you dont YOU CAN LEAVE NOW! Okay now that we have gotten rid of the m we can start.

No Godding
Up to four characters but preferrably something more managable like three or less but you may have four i it is a must.
Two powers at most per person!
Make sure no one else has your powers.
Please have some experiance rping however, if you are new and looking for help this could be the place for you.
We have lives outside of rping, so grammer is optional, no chatspeak is a must.
Male/Female proportionality

Story: We al know the classic boarding school or the gifted, well get to the plot later. Umm.. create your character, no form, I want them written as a join I will check your first post. Modern day setting so no old people stuff going on. I will check this about four to five times a week depending on my amount of homework and the selfishness of my brother. You are expected to check at least three....


Anika was a teenage girl. A raging hormonal teenage girl. She was a very angry person who just strived to fit in but knew that it would never happen. Anika had a special power. She could chane her looks just by thinkng about it. She could look how she felt, or disguise herself so only the closest people to her would recognize her.

She was short for her age, only about five-two. Today she had dark brown, almost black, hair and grey eyes that looked blue when the sunlight hit them in a special way . She had an athletic figure and loved to excersize. She sat in room number 2-12 and listened two her favorite band play overrated "emo" songs. She had loose filling jeans on with a dress shirt layered with hello kitty t-shirt that she got in japan. Her neck was layered with chunky beads and little hoops dangled silently from her ears.

Anika was a very fun loving girl and because there was no one else currently in her room she had gotten up on her bed and was now jumping up and down like a fan at a motly crue concert. Hairbrush in hand Anika started to belt out the words to the song that was on. "You took away the only thing that I ever loved, the only thing that kept me alive...". She was a loud person you could hear her voice out in the hallway, even though the dorms were sound proofed.


I think that leaves the door open for others. Come and join me. Once we are full the name of this will cange to "private". Have fun!

When Mary had a little lamb, the dotor was suprised, but when Old MacDonald had a FARM, the doctor nearly had a heart attack.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:32 pm 
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Without moving, Joseph sat quietly in a chair, reading a book. His blond curled hair nearly covered up his green eyes. For the age of 17, he was rather large but he looked pretty average, except for his way of dressing himself. Underneath his long leather jacket that lay a few inches on the floor he wore a black shirt and black trousers. He didn't wear everything black because he was depressed, but because he was happy. He believed that the contrast created by his personality and his appearance would emphasize his happyness. Or maybe he just didn't care...

As he was reading suddenly his page turned, though he didn't touch it. There wasn't any wind. Joseph smiled. He had an amazing skill that nobody in his family has. He could move, touch, do anything one could do with his hands, with his eyes. As he described it himself; he had an extra pair of arms that only he could see and touch. He was sitting in room number 2-16 and, while turning the page, he heard the loud music of another person a few rooms further. Luckily he was able to cover up his ears with his power. Joseph didn't meet her yet, he didn't meet a lot of his neighbours. He wasn't the most social person but the small group of people that he was friends with respected him.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:16 pm 
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Alex was pacing around room 2-14 and wincing. Alex was an almost normal person. He acted normal. He wore a gray sweatshirt and a pair of sweats. He was 13. He had brown eyes. And he had black hair. But he wasn't really social. Whenever someone tried to say,"hi," he would say,"Go away. I hear enough of you during the day," and run away. And he had no friends. He always tried to gain some, but they thought he was weird 'cause he heard voices that weren't there.

Alex was irritated right now. You would be if there was someone in room 2-12 singing so loudly and bad. He could hear the music and know who sang it even without his power. He also admired the person in room 2-16 that was so quiet. He had heard of him as Joseph, and knew that the bad singing came from Anika.

He could hear everything in a 1 mile-radius and know who or what made it, even if he didn't know them. He thought it was a lame power. If there was a test to study for, he might as well just not take it. How could he be able to concentrate with all the voices of everyone in the 1 mile-radius in his head. That was another thing, he couldn't turn his power on and off like other gifted people. He had to listen to everybody at the same time.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:14 pm 
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Irina slunk along the corridor towards number 2-12, but stopped outside the door as she heard Anika's singing. Not again, she thought, smiling to herself wryly. Irina was not that much of a music fan herself, however she knew that Anika had a certain love for singing loudly, and had learned to live with it over the years that they had shared a dorm. Thankfully, her power had helped a lot with that. She was able to turn completely transparent if she wished, and sometimes even (if she had enough energy, and was in the right state of mind) walk through solid objects, like a ghost. She was wandering whether to do that now, and see whether Anika noticed. Deciding against it, she opened the door, intending to get some textbooks that she had left by her bedside table. She was an intelligent girl, and always tried to get homework done on time.

((Hope it's okay that they share a dorm, I can change that if you want. :) ))


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:44 am 
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Dust fluttered off the floor as he stepped, red chucks sending the partcles flying for their lives. The women's jeans(which he wore purely because they fit better than men's) fitting perfectly to his hips. The loose red shirt with a picture of ganesha hanging just past the pockets of his pants. A light breeze tickled the sharp features of his face. Electric blue eyes contrasting beautifly against his milk white skin and purple hair. A new transfer to the boarding school (not by choice either), his name was Hevel. He strode down the hall to room 2-11, the head master had told him that his belongings had been delivered to said room. He moved slowly yet diliberitly a ball of fire and rock chased each other around is head.

MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE INVADING MY PANTS!!

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:04 pm 
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As he stood up, Joseph released his ears so that they could once again be confronted with Anika's voice. He tried to imagine what the others would think of it. He was the kind of person that liked to observe other people. Take this kid Alex, he thought his name was. He understood what his power was and admired it. Though he didn't really show it to him often.

'Hello Alex' he said silently, knowing that he would hear it. He smiled and stood up to take another book.


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:23 pm 
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Rena, a muscular girl of fourteen lay back on her bed in deep thought. The thoughts she thought however, were not hers alone. Her thoughts were muddled, for she could sense what many others were thinking. She could hear, but not always comprehend, anyone who was within a mile of her.

Sure this power was amazing, but it also was amazingly complex. There were only certain kinds of thoughts that entered her brain; for instance, she could not hear memories, or flashbacks that a person might have. But she could read, or hear, what others thought of eachother, their annoyances, and their jealousies. It was also quite a burden for Rena to separate their thoughts and give meaning to them.

As she lay back, her frizzy blonde hair tied with a bright piece of fabric, she thought and thought and thought. Finally, when tired of trying to comprehend about five different people's thoughts, she stood up, and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Oh what a mess I am! She thought to herself. She pulled out the piece of cloth from her hair, then repositioned her pony-tail to the very top of her head. She fixed her make-up, re-applying her bright red lipstick and dark mascara. Pulling on her bright green jacket and tight black jeans, she opened the door to her room (2-15) and stepped out into a new flow of thoughts.

.:EDIT- So sorry 11neoman, I didn't realize how close my person's power was to yours- Alex can hear everything people says, Rena can hear thoughts. If you want me to change her power just let me know :.


Last edited by webkitty on Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:34 am 
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As he strode down the hallway a hideous singing voice hit him. It was so loud and horrible it knocked him off balance. "shame," He thought, "I liked that song." A few more steps and he had reached his room. A rather boring room decorated with nothing more than a bed, desk, chair and his belonings. He sent the rock ball flying at the wall causing it to spread and cover the walls blocking out some of the noise coming from down the hall. The ball of flame sputtered for a minute and then popped out of existence, returning seconds later next to Hevel's ear as if passing on secret information.

MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE INVADING MY PANTS!!

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:46 am 
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Minty Flames (short for Araminta) rolled over in bed and groaned. She always wondered how she had managed to get the dorm next to Anika. She was a quite a quiet person and she found loud people rather disturing. Though there was that other side of her...You see she had power over of both air and fire. Most in her family had power over some element but for some reason Minty had been born with the power over two. Sadly this wasn't a really a good thing. It always made her feel like she was split in half. So normally she was calm quiet and shy but sometimes she...was the opiset. When this happened there tended to be accidents ranging from just making a fool of herself, too blowing buildings up and such. Her parents were always telling her she had to except that she was both air and fire but She felt like she couldn't. She just seemed so much more like than air. So she shunned the fire part of herslf most of the time and that was why she had these outburst...well according to her parents and the headmaster at the school that was why.

Still Fighting...
...Even Though I know I can't win...

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:23 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Rena walked briskly along the corridor. She was annoyed that the only thoughts she could hear others think were those of annoyance towards Anika's singing. Rena didn't care about noise. The only noise she cared about were the little voices in her head. She hadn't even heard Anika's singing until she stepped out of her bubble, I mean, her room.

She walked all the way down to room 2-10 to clear her head. She could not hear any thoughts from that room, and she knew it wasn't occupied. She turned around and started walking back up the hallway.

In room 2-11, Hevel, the new guy was thinking how "He liked that song" What song is he talking about? Rena thought to herself. Thinking other's thoughts was confusing.

Room 2-12 was Anika's room, but she was only thinking about the lyrics she was belting out. There was a bit of confusion, because Rena also heard a thought about getting her homework done. That doesn't sound like Anika... But she walked on.

Room 2-13 was Minty Flame's dorm, whom she didn't know very much about. She heard from her thoughts that she just wanted to be air.

2-14, in which she could make out Alex's thoughts on how lame his powers were. Maybe I should try to make friends with him... I can't turn my powers off either, we have some things in common. She put it on her mental "To-do" list.

Room 2-15 was silent- it was her own room. She did not turn into it, but kept walking to room

2-16. Joseph was admired by many, even Rena. To be able to do things without moving is the ultimate power, especially for the lazy teenager. He was different than the others in her dorm hall. She could not reach his thoughts. It was like when he covered his ears with his "extra pair of hands," He blocked out Rena and her mind reading skills. She sighed, and longed to know his secrets, but walked back to her own dorm room.

.: TemIbern- you said Minty Flames had the room next to Anika. Well, the only room left that is next to hers is room 2-13, which was my room. You can have it though, I will just change it so Rena's is room 2-15. Sound good? :.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:49 pm 
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Hevel noticed someone had been listening to his thoughts for a second and was rather peeved at the afore mentioned person. The flame disappeared again and reappeared next to his ear yet again. Part of his "power", as the people who ran this school said, was the ability to communicate to fire and earth. this time the fire was informing him of some of the assorted powers and which rooms the children with them had. he strode out of the room, to the door of room 2-15, knocked and waited for a response. When one didn't come he sent the ball of flame into the room shaped into the words "I would perfer it if you stayed out of my mind, thank you."

(OOC:He was raised ina village full of gifted people trained to use their power from a young age so he knows what it feels like when someone reads his mind.)

MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE INVADING MY PANTS!!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:15 pm 
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Rena felt a stab of guilt as the message faded away. But she could not control her powers, not that way. It took a lot of energy for her to block out other's thoughts, but she did not want to get on Hevel's bad side. She vowed to try harder not to be so snoopy when passing Hevel's room, and possibly stop by his room later to properly apologize. She hadn't even heard the knock on the door.

She was busy trying to find a way into Joseph's mind. She still was having no success. She could not know his thoughts, and she did not know why.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:44 pm 
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He strode back to his room and the flame popped back near his head and floated lazily around it changing shape every once in a while first a cat, then a snake making a cirle aroud his head biting it's tail, then back to a ball of flame, finally coming to rest at a strange abstraction. "I forgot what the head master told me, didn't I?" said a voice in his head.
Then a slightly diffrent one said "yup"
"DANG ought I go back and apoplogize?" responded the first
"NO!" came a third, much angrier, voice, "She was in your head I don't care if she isn't good at controlling her power thats her fault not yours!"
"calm down" came the second voice obviously the voice of reason in the trio, "We will apologize if she does and if she turns out to be the one the head master was talking about now please hush"

(OOC: the voice are like little shoulder devils the first is guilt the second as sated above reason and the third is anger there are other voices and they include kindness, sincerity, patience, envy and a few other vices and virtues.)

MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE INVADING MY PANTS!!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:00 pm 
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Rena stood up once again and started back down the hallway. She was on a mission. First she was going to apologize to Hevel, then she was going to knock on Alex's door and see if he would actually talk to her. She was doubtful, however, that she would get more than a few words out of Alex. So she started with Hevel.

She politely knocked on his door, trying with all her might not to hear his thoughts. Nervously, she tucked the wisps of blonde hair that fell out of her hair tie behind her ears, and straightened her jacket.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:15 pm 
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"Yes?" the door opened enough to reveal a head slighly tilted he looked into the face of a blonde girl "oh you must be the one who read my mind come in." He opened the door more and tried to be welcoming "I really need to put some stuff in it's rather dull in here." He smiled a weak smile that faded off his face after a second.

MONKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE INVADING MY PANTS!!

Last edited by only_shades_of_grey on Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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