Fate is an illusion... to think that the universe, or some greater power, has a predestined plan for you, that you will inexorably follow throughout your life, well, it's simply an exercise in hubris, narcissism, the greatest of arrogance!
Perhaps, as Kugetsu so eloquently put, some things will, without fail happen - but even this can never be known. To be strictly scientiffic - there is a chance that the Earth could survive the death of our sun... as the laws of thermodynamics are purely statistical, after all. However - these probabilities are so small, they are essentially zero - in fact it would be best expressed mathematically as an imaginary number:
1 X 10 ^ - (INFINITY - (1/INFINITY))
Essentially... 1 X 10 ^ - (infinity, or the largest possible numerical concept, ---minus--- 1 divided by infinity, or the smallest possible, positive value)
Which, for all intensive purposes, yields a very small probability. (UNDERSTATEMENT ALERT)
But, after all, a low probability only makes something unlikely, not impossible. Therefore - anything is possible, anywhere, anytime...
To think that fate is planned... I think it's silly. But it's a moot point, neither can be ever be proven/disproven... as any outcome of one's life could simply be labelled their 'fate' - it's a truism, something that simply cannot be argued against. Importantly, however, this does not make it true.
Certainly not.
And so they saw a light as bright as a thousand suns that shone through the very core of the few who watched it.
The nuke was finished.