Amethyst, I hope your project has been coming along well.
I know what it's like to have a teacher that is kinda, well, not with it. But on the other hand, I know what it's like to know a lot more about something than a kid knows, and try and convince them that I'm right, when they just won't believe me, and then go through the frustration of watching them reject my advice and fail or do poorly or become frustrated. I say that as a teacher and as a mom.
A phrase I have tried to refrain from saying in the past year (because it's snippy) is "just because you disagree with me, doesn't mean I'm wrong."
Teachers are hired because they are capable, not just because they were the only one available for the position. Someone trusted that teacher to have enough knowledge and experience that she would be an asset to the students in your school. Now, granted, not all teachers are like holy wise men whose word is law. However, I think you need to give her a little more credit for knowing what she is doing, even if her taste differs from yours (quite a bit, it seems).
Looking at your artwork, yes, it is really obvious that the eye people were a 20-minute project while the angel one obviously had care and focus put into it. But if you were going to re-do them when you painted them, the amount of time you spent on the sketches is irrelevant. The quality of the idea is more important than the amount of time you spent getting the idea figured out and expanding on it.
With art, if you want to achieve something noteworthy, sometimes familiarity and comfort are most important (think of the vast number of pictures of flowers, sunsets, and lovers that we have seen) and sometimes originality is important. When you are going to re-do something that has already been done before many times (and I don't mean copying, I just mean a similar theme), you need to ask yourself if there's any reason why someone should look at your art instead of the hundreds of other versions of that idea out there. Are you the most realistic artist to do this idea? Is yours the cutest? Have interesting color or lighting or style? Will it be colored in a way that has never been done before?
Again, the question is, if I google "angel" or "winged woman", is there anything about your image that is going to draw my attention over any of the other images? The subject matter itself isn't anything special, so what makes your image special to someone who doesn't know you?
Unless you are an artist solely for yourself (in which case there is not much use in being trained away from your natural inclinations) you need to think about what others will see in your art. Notice I did NOT say, "you need to make sure everyone will like your art best", or "think about what others will think about your art". That is their problem. YOUR problem is to provide something for them to have an opinion on, and to do that to the best of your ability.
When you focus on originality, doing something that has never, or very rarely, been tried before, then the focus of your viewer is going to be on the subject matter FIRST, and then the quality/type of art that it is. The subject matter will capture them regardless of whether your style matches their taste.
Basically, if anyone is going to see your art, you need to think about whether they've ever seen anything like it before. If they HAVE seen anything like it before, then whether you like it or not, and whether they intend it or not, your art will be compared to the other things like it that they have seen - your standard has got to be sky-high. If not, then you are their first (and thus the best) experience they have had in that subject or theme, and you will be memorable and have a stronger impact.
So consider that your art teacher was possibly trying to make it easier for you to make an impact and stand out to your viewers. (This is especially good if you are trying to get into college for art.)
I guess that's more than two cents' worth, but there you have it.
Like I said, I hope your final choice, the leaf picture, turns out the way you want it.
I hope you can scan it so we all can see!
Thanks to all those who voted for ethuiladdie!
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