higher chain predetors ( of which we are one) have forward facing eyes, the lower ones need all round vision because other things get them too, case and point; birds. (with a lower chain example being chameleons)
ofcourse another case and point is that were structered to eat a full meat meal once a week.
(on a side note i had a vegan in my college class who was a strict vegan...who would eat fish and free range eggs
anyways, have you never heard a vegetable scream when you pull it out of the ground, boil it to death then tear it apart with your teeth?
yeah that was a good episode.
vegertariens, fine, your choice, vegans however get me "hurting animals is wrong, no matter how low they are!"
hmm okay, i'll be wiping you'll be removing your immune system to stop them annihalating germs then?
what about the bacterium in your stomach dying in droves to digest your food?
from theyre death we live, no matter what you do youre hurting something (heck, taking out an increased proportion of plants is wiping out our oxygen..) and if it werent for us genocidal meat eating nutters (got that one before) youd have some pretty nastay animals to be dealng with. (yeah, go on, offer the carrot to the big post-ice age mammoth)