actually reading through these, and completing many of them, i can honestly say many DONT annoy your english teacher, but just make you look like an idiot
This is an honest checklist of the ones i did.
(yes, i was surprised myself!)
(and no, i wasnt doing these things to be a wiener to my teacher... she was an awesome english teacher who didnt mind fun in her class as long as we learned at the same time)
Everytime she says 'who' correct her to say 'whom' even if its incorrect
insist on speaking and writing in the third person
Speak like Yoda.
Correct her whenever she says 'good' instead of 'well' (only needed to once, but she was bested)
Add extra apostrophe's in all your sentence's
Forget to finish your senten (what we do when we dont know how to answer a short-essay question)
Read everything out loud, in a British accent. (had like 5 kids doing this one)
Use Internet Shorthand and smilies in all of your papers (my teacher HATES AIMspeak)
Speak in French. (well, it was spanish, but as long as it wasnt english, right?)
Come late to class in a Spider-Man cosume, say there was "a disturbance" (no, i didnt say there was a disturbance, i apologized for being late to class, using my lack of web cartriges as an excuse.... i was pulling a prank on my choir teacher, and my english teacher knew it, but the class was all like "what the heck?".... yes, i own a spiderman costume... $90 on
"The homeworks due now? Oh, give me a minute then." (this was the case almost every day, not kidding. Id whip up assignments right in front of her... and actually got A's sometimes...)
Count how many times your teacher says "UM" and then present it to them
when the teacher turns to write on the board, throw paper or rubbers at them (it wasnt papers, it was bouncy balls... the whole class knew it was me, but i did it the second she turned around haha...)
Do homework in Spanish (i did this when we had to write about a book that i didnt read.... she told me to read it to her, and by that time i DID read the book, so i got an A!)
Dress like Vader; claim english books for the good of the Empire (no, but i said "the spine is strong with this one) (heavy breathing) (used darth vader talking helmet from Target)
Come in in full Jedi outfit; try to use the Force to make her cancel the test (does darth maul count? We had star wars day at our school... and I threatened her with my lightsaber and tried to use the force to prevent a quiz!)
Tattoo your arm with a pen, then get up and show everyone ( and i gave out tattoos as well!)