o_0 wrote:
Moogum wrote:
o_0 wrote:
I would LOVELOVELOVE to see Dani and Janey pair up. They'd never be beat.
Janey and George put up. I hope Janey wins veto and someone from CT goes up.
Response to SpoilersThat'd be sweet and would totally make Janey all the more amazing. I've heard that Will is starting to side with Janelle and Boogie is upset because he likes Erika. Will + Janelle would be cool. It sucks though because NO ONE is gonna want Janelle at the end with them. She'd win hands down simply for being so damn awesome. Though I do think that her luck will run out and leave her in 3rd place like last year (sadly), I think she may be able to get by again this week. I'd love Dani + Janey more.
Will can't win anything...
PoV Comp is going on right now... stupid flames.
EDIT: VETO SPOILERSJANEY WON THE VETO. I'M FREAKING OUT. SHE IS GOD. This season ALONE she's won like half the vetos, and three HoHs to boot.
Responses againSeriously... let's just give her the prize now. I can't wait to see Tuesday's episode now. I bet they are all gonna FREAK! Janelle is amazing, and there's nothing else to it. I'm pretty happy. Now if she can only win the next HoH!
MORE Spoilers! As already mentioned, Janelle wins (whoot!). Danielle is put up as a replacement. Chilltown is telling George he is safe, but we've seen them change their mind before. I like Danielle so that would be cool.
ALSO! This week's twist: 2 people will be evicted! But, unlike last week's Double Eviction, this will be SUPER INTENSE!
Within the LIVE hour on Thursday, will will have an eviction, and HoH, a nomination, a veto contest/ceremony, and another eviction! It is going to be crazy crazy crazy and I can't wait!
Gah! No one is posting and I cannot double-post!
Anyway, Tuesday's episode was funny. I loved Crazy!Dani. She was very amusing and apparently on the Live Feeds, a lot more annoying. My friends and I kept hoping that Will would just hide in the bathroom and listen to what Erika and Dani talked about. But alas...
So Dani is probably being evicted. Unless Will and Boogie decide it would be funny to watch Dani vs. Erika. I know that's what I want to see.
I feel bad for Erika: there is no one that she can go up against in the and still win against. Being in the final 2 with Janelle or Will is suicide for anyone; George could probably win against Boogie or Erika; and Boogie would probably win over Erika (Janelle, Howie, Will and Danielle probably wouldn't vote for her).
I just think it would suck knowing that there is no way you are coming in 1st. At that point, I'd just be happy with 2nd and team up with Janelle, who really deserves to win.