Wind wrote:
When will we get the results?Tomorrow
The day after tomorrow
Next week
Somewhere this month
After october
When will we get our prizes?Next week
Next month
Next year
In 2010
When will we get the Altador prizes?Soon! (for a given value of "soon")
At the Advent Calendar
At the Advent Calendar (in 2007)
Bonju has stolen them and sold them to the black market
Are you tired of waiting?Yes
Seriously, I might start taking bets on this
OMG, that is just the funniest thing I have read in a long time, Wind! Thanks for making me laugh so loud!
GIR wrote: That was the most utterly pathetic ending to anything that TNT has EVER done. No prizes, our guesses were pointless, the place where Hoban was pushed from wasn't even an option, and the "answer" doesn't really make much sense.
Hey, just because we didn't get prizes yet doesn't mean they aren't giving them to us. Past experience shows that Neo gives out rewards to people who participate. My guess is that it will take them a few months to tally up all of the answers. Just like the Altador plot. Though I am betting my money on Wind's answer that Bonju has stolen them and sold them to the black market.
And, no that wasn't the most pathetic ending to anything that TNT has ever done. Anyone besides me remember that mystery they had a while ago? We had to guess who ate which food. Or something like that. *tries to clear fog from brain* They were supposed to give us a new clue every day. They did give us a few clues. And then whammo, they said something in the news like sorry, not doing this one anymore. Ah, the good old days of Neo. Some of you who haven't been around very long just don't realize how good you have it. We long-timers have put up with so much, and yet, ha, we are still faithfully playing, day after day after day. Can you say "addiction?"
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?