Dragonfire wrote:
Well, if you recall in the pilot Nathan told Peter that he [Peter] was special because he knew how to "connect" with people. So it does make sense that Peter would have the absorption power.
One thing that just popped into my head: if Peter has the absorption power, maybe he'll be one of the ones to stop Sylar at the end because he can take Sylar's power and use it against him. Plus, if Sylar is absorbing the other powers through the brains, Peter is like a worthy match to fight him.
Lol, maybe he is borderline telekenetic and doesn't know it yet. And if he has more than one power, perhaps the other do as well.
Dragonfire wrote:
In an interview she did, Ali (the perso who plays Nikki) said that her powers and more about her would be revealed (for the most part) in episodes 4, 5, and 6.

Oh, and I'm guessing the season finale is what Hiro saw in the future.
I can't wait for 4,5, and 6. I would love to know how the doppleganger works and how it can be controlled. Cause right now, that seems like the worst power in the world since you essentially have a ghostly double of yourself which is evil, running a muck and getting you into trouble. Also, I do think her son has some kind of power as well. He is suppose to be something of a child prodigy and inventor. Perhaps he is like Lex Luthor and has a very developed mind?
We still have one more person in which we have yet to encounter and that is D.L. Hawkins, a prison inmate with a phasing power.
Who loves this show! I DO!