12th October
* The Tale of Woe - Whoever said it wasn't safe for a young Usul to wander the Haunted Woods at night was wrong... no, right! We mean right. You never know what you'll run into in a dark, damp cave.
* Send your holiday or winter-themed art pieces to the Neopets Magazine for a chance to be published in Issue 20's Art Gallery!
* Ewwww... now these are just GROSS!
* Congratulations to yellowsugardog, the winner of the latest Site Spotlight!
* This week's PPL award has been given to the Candy Vampire. Well done Roxy, Rojo, Havoc, Chadarnook, and all the others.
* Alton challenges you to this week's Better Than You!
* Everyone who is a Tonu fan will adore these new Fun Images.
* Your Felly can now be painted Red, Blue, Fire, or Rainbow at the Petpet Puddle.
* A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 921. 1002 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 1997 NP each.
* A new Kacheek Seek is available for your Neopet to hide in. We're told it's quite difficult so be sure not to lose your Neopet for good.
* cra_z_man's cave has been declared the Pirate Cave Of The Week!
* If your pet is one with an appetite, these delicious shakes have just gone on sale in the Food Shop.