Purchase Great Ball - Throw Great Ball at Taillow
I think I can hold another.
Blk Mage is mad because all his team has been attacking mine since the beginning of the game, even though he KNOWS he's weak against us, he continues to be hostile against us, though we have done nothing to provoke them. Why help someone Ria is the only person NOT on their team that I've attacked (But that was retribution, I believe)
If you don't want people knowing your Pokemon's type, DON'T attack them with a Pokemon you JUST sent out. The fact that you keep attacking me, despite you being weak to me most of the time is sort of bad planning on your part.
Also, if you don't want people attacking you, DON'T attack them first. Our attacks on you have been retribution. Your constant losing attacks on us [er... ME, I mean] is retribution of retribution (aka foolishness, since you don't attack someone back if they're attacking you because you attacked them first).
It's plain as day - you attack us, we're going to retaliate. Don't throw punches if you can't take them yourself.
Needless to say, though, you're going down first. Better hope you catch a pokemon.
It's too bad you have to get neutrals on your side (who can take us down without your help, really).
I weep because you guys have to side with Blk Mage, since he got himself into this mess and isn't willing to help himself out of it. Do you really want to side with someone who has to depend on you guys to accomplish anything? Someone who instigates, and makes attacks, but is afraid to get his hands dirty? Someone that weak? You can easily take us out without his help (there's nothing stopping you). Why help him out? You're not getting anything out of it (since I have not touched a single person outside of his team, except for 10 damage to Chris's pokemon on Day 1)
In fact: Here's the list.
Day One
Dracir attacked me (I find out his pokemon is weak against mine)
I attacked Christopher (only 10 damage)
Day Two
Ria attacks me.
I attack Dracir (retribution)
Day Three:
I didn't attack and no one attacked me.
Day Four:
Blk Mage attacks me
Ria attacks me
I attack Dracir (not retribution, but if you're going to show your hand to everyone...)
Day Five:
Blk Mage attacks me
I attack Dracir killing his Pokemon. (retribution for Blk Mage)
By now, Blk Mage has very much made it simple what team he's on by his constant attacking
Day Six:
Dracir attacks me
I attack Blk Mage (retribution)
Day Seven:
Blk Mage attacks me
I try to attack Dracir, but confusion prevents it (retribution)
I think all but two of my attacks have been retribution, and I think that was one of my attacks on Dracir. Also, my first attack was random, of course, and did nearly no damage to Christopher. Every other attack I've made is because I was attacked first. Now, you say, "Why didn't you attack Ria, she attacked you too." That's easily answered. Ria was attacking me
alone Dracir and Blk Mage made it a team effort to take us on, which is equal to declaring war. But guess what? They've started a war they can't win, so they call on everyone else to do it for them. What's more is that I have no asked anyone on my team (except once), to help me with attacking them. They're, for the most part, losting to just me. If two people are continuing a battle with a single person they're not beating... would you think it wise to cease?
I could have taken out one or two of Ria's pokemon, but I didn't because she didn't get her whole team to attack like that. No attack but one has been choreographed by our team, and the attack that was on Blk Mage for attacking us nearly every day (and even then, someone got there before we did). Yet, their team has made an attack on me EVERY SINGLE DAY so far, and I have to waste all of my time attacking them back because they can't lay off for a day.
It's your choice. Fight a battle that is
surely someone else's, because of their own recklessness and stubborness, or get rid of the weak rif-raff that you can easily do away with now (or let ME take care of them) and go on with your merry little lives. Blk Mage isn't going to help you, he NEEDS your help. He knows in a day or two he's going to be on his last legs and he wants attacks to go elsewhere so he can heal up all of his Pokemon to take you guys out later. He probably can't beat you, but I can assure you that's what he's going to try to do.
Who's battle are you going to be fighting once their team is defeated anyway? Your own? There will be no substance to this once they're gone.
[/historical werewolfy essay-length posts that he always does because he's board]