(You might also be misinterpreting the goal of the part - nobody, I hope, fought him repeatedly to win or just to fight some opponent. It was probably mostly to join in the group effort (which is what TNT probably would want), or, possibly, for the plot points.)
The goal of the part?
The overall goal of a plot is to work out the clues and ultimately finish it before your time is up.
If person A chooses to do plots for prizes and person B chooses to do the plot for fun - then who is misinterpreting the goal?
Being on Neo and participating in plots should be fun, but what is the harm in wanting to have trophies, or better prizes or have a really good battledome score?
Everyone has their own reasons for being on Neo and for doing plots.
Within plots, everyone has their choice of how much to do:
A. use a guide or not
B. fight or not
C. ask for help or give up
D. Spend every waking hour doing the plot or only an hour a day.
No-one can really misinterpret how a plot works or a individual step of a plot, when there is no goal except for finishing it before Neo ends it.
I will stick my hand up and say
YES, I fought more challengers for the points (that I am only presuming will be given). Having said that, I do plots for fun, but when more points are potentially there, I will do what I think is best for me.
You've misunderstood what I meant by the "goal of the plot part", I think. :/ I meant TNT"s goal, game design-wise, not players' goals., which, of course, vary considerably. So TNT"s goal for the mayor was probably cooperation between lots of players on the site, not "give the BDers something to fight against" (which was the role of the gravestones and trees and so on). (To just put this in context again, anjuna seemed to be saying that the only people playing the mayor part were those who just enjoyed BD so much that they would do so, but I wanted to point out that people just wanting to join in the team effort would fight the mayor too, and the latter is probably what attracted most of the players; most of the players probably didn't fight the mayor just to have something to fight.)