As some as you may know, for the vast majority of December, I won't have the internet. Some of the more astute Randomness members may have already deduced where I will be during this time.
Basically, from Wednesday until January 1st, I will be in Kenya. Specifically, I will be staying with a Masai tribe. Of course, this means I won't be able to access the internet during my stay, so this could very well be one of the last topics I make this year.
On my trip, I will be helping build classrooms for the a Girls High School, located about 100 km south of Nairobi. If anybody happens to be out walking through that area, come look me up
Things to look forward to when I return:
- The return of my delightful posts
- The return of my comments about the new mods
still not being selected
- Mid-January Christmas Presents (I'll probably distribute them around Jan 15)
- Photos!?
- Errr...more of my delightful posts?
So basically, while I'm gone, try not to burn down the forums. I'm looking at you Yukio. Keep your hands at least ten metres away from the "Delete the Forum Button" at all times. Since I won't be here for Christmas, Merry Christmas everybody, and if I don't get on before New Years (which is very likely, as I arrive back in New Zealand on New Years Eve after about 32 hours of flying), Happy New Years! Have a great holiday everybody, and I'll be sure to bore you to death with a ridiculously long post about my trip when I return
In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight!