smudgeoffudge wrote:
This doesn't seem is so weird.. I think a human is a human even if they are not acting human. They still have rights.
How did she ever learn to talk and behave like a human? I thought after a few years without love and socialization it is hard for people to learn language? I thought that the critical years for absorbing and learning language was when a person was a child.
Anyway, I wonder if she can understand dogs more than another person could understand dogs. That is, could she tell use what dogs were "saying"?
Some people claim they can actually communicate with animals, that animals actually are smarter that most people give them credit for, and that they have feelings, dreams and desires just like humans. I do believe some animals have ways of communicating with one another and that they might even have words for things.
I wonder if someone raised with animals is actually able to tell us things about animals that we don't know?
Well... by the age of two, you have quite a few words of the human language down, I believe. Perhaps she was able to go off of that.
I was wondering that as well! I found it interesting that Oxana's bark sounded more like an actual dog's than if we were to do it. Most of us probably couldn't get it to sound as real (at least, I can't. haha). Perhaps she does understand the dog language...? I wonder if anyone has asked her that.