My friend and I were at lunch today and the topic of our French class came up. He's in French I and I'm in French III. He asked me what we are doing in French III so I told him. We are working on a project were you write a letter to anyone to demonstrate our understanding of the postal and letter vocabulary. Most people wrote imaginary letters to made up pen pals but I had a different plan. I was going to write a letter about muffins. Yes muffins. My letter said something to the effect of
Dear Muffin Man
Im writing to you because Ive heard you are the best cook in Paris. I couldn't find you in the yellow pages. I have been looking for you because I want a good blueberry muffin. No one in the United States can make a good blueberry muffin so my friend told me about you. I need a good blueberry muffin or I will die. Let me tell you why......
So after writing this conversation out I found out I didn't know the word muffin so after some thinking I looked it up in my French-English Dictionary. Muffler.....Motor.....Mumble...No Muffin?! You understand my shock. I thought there must be a mistake. So I started talking to all the people I knew in French classes, and none of them knew. So Finally this leads to my friend at lunch. I asked him and he said he doesnt know it but suggested I make one up. He suggested "Le Muf". Going to french class with muffin shaped holes in my letter. I talked to my French teacher and asked her the word for muffin. Her response
They dont have one.
They don't eat muffins in France.
I geuss they never tried them.
Can I make up a word for muffin?
Le Muf was born but my friend and I had another problem. The French had never tasted muffins.
So we decided that above all things the French need to tase muffins. So we decided we're starting a muffin shop in France called
Le Muf.
So what I need help with is for a large amount of people to start using the word
So use it whenever you can
-Muffs in the morning, muffs in the evening, mufs at supper time
-I smell a muf.
-Mufs are good with butter
-Arrow likes mufs.
-Blueberry Mufs are my favirote.
-Chuck Norris stole my muf!
Yoshi edit: Minus excessive emoticons.