I really want a Krawk, but none of the colours really 'hit' me except this one. Even so, although I'm fond of the happy and circle poses, the battle ones erk me. They go from bulky, tough and slightly obese, oversized Krawky to a slim thin little thing in two seconds flat. D:
I know what you mean. Some pets are so awesome in the default pose, but the other poses are blah. Dx Take the royal boy usul, for example - cool design, laaaame battle poses. The royal boy zafara was better in that respect, but royal boy kyrii won out by far for awesome, clever, well-drawn poses, so that was my final choice. Hopefully you'll find the perfect pet for you too.
I just painted my lupe tyrannian! xD I'm out of name ideas, though, and to me a good name is almost more important than a color, so I guess it'll be a while til I can create the next pet in my plans. ^^
Speaking of which, does anyone have pets that you just cannot give up but which don't fit into you plans? A number of people have mentioned how some pets have to be such-and-such a color/species because you've aleady set their personalities.
I have this problem myself. My beloved eyrie, who was my fist pet and has an amazing name besides, has stayed green so long... He needs to be faerie, but if I have to I will paint him grey (the othe eyrie color I fancy), sadly altering my plan. No matter what, I can't let that pet go. ^^
Poor Kirta the acara and Lontha the lutari are languishing on temporarily neglected side accounts until I decide how to paint them. I'm a perfectionist and don't want to use morphing potions because the height/weight stats won't match...yet I can't bear to abandon them since they have good names and I've got personalities in mind. @_@
However, I
did abandon my halloween shoyru. I liked the color, but not enough to keep a space for him. I can't stand to have more than two active accounts, so I can only keep the most "necessary" pets.