*screams and pulls her hair out*
I neomailed one user about a trade I was interested in (very, very interested in), saying that although I hadn't bid on the item because it's worth more than the 800k cap on trade items allows, I would love to arrange an exchange through the auctions.
It's been two days now, and I haven't heard back from this user. And their lookup says they've been active within the last 24 hours, so I
know they've logged on and seen my neomail, or at least the notice for it.
And ignored it completely.
It wouldn't bother me if they simply hadn't been online, but... they've probably seen my neomail by now, and I don't understand why they never replied to it.
If they weren't interested in making the trade, they could at least neomail me back telling me so. Now I don't know if they're waiting for a higher offer (which is discouraging, because they had an auto price listed that I offered to match) or if they're just being rude. I don't know if I should try them again or not; I don't want to push the subject if they're not interested, but I don't even know if they're uninterested!
(Any my neomail option's definitely turned on; I was getting flooded with requests from unknown, lab ray-less neopians last week after a trip to the Neoboards.)