So ive finally got some time and recources to make a very cool movie.... and some actors also
Myself and a bunch of Drama kids want to make a movie... a good one, might I add, thats something of a comedy.
We've got lots of ideas of funny things to put IN a movie, but we can't settle on a theme.... we dont just want a bunch of random shots of funny things in a row.. that just ends up stupid. Plus, i may use it for college applications or something if it turns out well!
But, no plots like space-aliens-on-mars or superheroes-that-breath-fire or stuff like that. This is a human interaction show in a normal city. That doesnt mean i dont have lots of costumes and crap to put into the show, but I want it to be real, not like the worst space film ever made. Know what i mean?
For example... Somebody gave me these ideas:
-Home Alone 4
-That 90's Show
Could you give me another theme or overall plot to follow for a comical home video?