Hahaha. I am unbelievably anal about grammar and the like. Chat/netspeak to me is the equivalent of announcing to the world that you're a big, fat moron. I'm fine with not using capitals on proper nouns and the beginning letters of sentences as well as not using periods or commas when you're on AIM or something, but in a forum, or any public place online... It's atrocious.
Even so, I do hate a few things more, such as when people feel the need to make their font fancy, and then make all of it some obnoxious color, or change the size or something. Size I don't really care about, unless it's unreadable, but color... Ugh.
Overuse of capitals, periods, question marks or exclamation points is an absolute no,
please. If you type like this:
You are probably totally and utterly unaware of how it makes me, and many others, immediately go out of our way to ignore whatever you have to say, as mutilating text like that just goes to show that you have the maturity of a carrot.
If this total lack of awareness is true, then you should now be able to fully grasp the fact that I find you annoying, and so you should stop.
Also. Acronyms are fine. I use them all the time while IMing people. In fact, I am an OMG fanatic, though I do abide to this: don't stupidly use acronyms anywhere you think one should be placed. Honestly, I doubt you are laughing out loud every few seconds.
OMG someone told me I was obnoxious lol they must be joking lol because I am the least annoying person on the planet lol lol lol lol
By the way? Unless you're talking about monkeys, you can't just randomly add an -s to words ending with -y in order to make them plural. You have to change the -y to -ies. Flurry->Flurries, etc.
To be honest, I find it absolutely astonishing that the majority of people online seem to have not progressed farther that the first grade, in both language as well as their mental abilities. And why on earth do many among us find it
cool to speak as if they have recently had brain reduction surgery?
lulz so liek i wnt 2 teh mal wit ma frends adn we had funnn ther and we wnt thru the dores off tis hawt shop and omg liek it's cluths wer fab ok and i saugh you're purz their ^___^
Well, you might have had fun going 'thru' (it's THROUGH) the shop with 'it's' ('it's' is used when you're shortening 'it is'. 'Its' is used in all other cases. Notice the lack of an apostrophe?) 'cluths', but unfortunately, I'm not really sure what cluths are. As a result, I'm just going to assign you to my 'never associate with; is an utter imbecile' list and, well, never associate with you ever again.
And, well...
Your bag was in the store.
You're an utter idiot.
Their clothes were fabulous.
There is a moron.
It's an amazingly cool store. Unfortunately, some of
its customers lack the mental capacity to learn proper English.
I apologize if you're (NOT YOUR) included in any of the things I've listed, but even the use of 'ok' in place of 'okay' annoys me, even though both are perfectly okay to use. In general, I'm just a very annoyed person. Sorry.
Yes, I do immensely dislike mankind's affinity for showing off how utterly stupid one can be. Is my hatred really that obvious?
(Again, I am
fine with people doing some of these things in IM, as you're typing rapidly and don't have time to check everything- if I hated people not using capitals or proper punctuation in IM, I'd hate myself, as I never use capitals, commas or periods (go me, biggest hypocrite of '06). But in public forums and things similar to them? NO.)
(Also: longest rant of mine EVER!
can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a