Round 12
SSBB = Super Smash Brothers Brawl
To all of those interested in joining, there are no sign ups. You can just start playing right off the bat. If you need additional help, I am here most of the time and more than willing to try to help as much as possible.
Story as of now:
- Aerith pic from
Picture Shrines
The Zu swoops down and pecks Joanna for -5 damage. The Metroids drain Mewtwo and Mr Game & Watch for -3 damage each. The Scrubs hit Blaze and Falco for -2 damage each. Aerith starts glowing as the Smash Emblem fills her with energy. She channels all of her energy to Cloud before collapsing. Cloud absorbs the energy and readies his blade. Bracket A runs off the field none to soon. Fox is dragging the GM. The GM is holding a fishing rod with a tiger shark on the line.
GM: I caught me a keeper!
Fox: That’s good. Now come on. You know what Cloud is going to do, and I don’t want you getting hurt.
GM: That’s right! The prototype. You failed, Foxy Boy. Not only do you not get a biscuit, you have to sleep in the shed!
Fox: Sir...
GM: Don’t you growl at me.
Fox groans but keeps dragging the GM off the field.
Snake blocks a series of midair kicks from Meta Knight then counters with a sharp elbow to the side of the puff’s head. Pit tries an attack from behind, but Snake catches him and delivers a kick back.
Snake: Resistance is futile. You will all be assimilated.
Meta Knight: Assimilate this!
Meta Knight tries tackling Snake, but Snake dodges, and Meta Knight rams Pit. Snake gestures at the others to attack. Meta Knight gets up to attack, but Pit stops him.
Pit: Snake! Knock it off! You are not a Borg! There is no reason for you to act this way!
Snake: Lower knives and surrender your bow. Your punk-ish nature will be added to our own. You will adapt to serve the Collective.
Pit: That doesn’t even make sense!
Pauses. Thinks. EXTERMINATE!
Pit: That isn’t even a Borg phrase! You’re getting your villains mixed up!
Pauses. Thinks again. Draws is pistol. EXTERMINATE!
Snake starts firing at Pit and Meta Knight. The two dive for cover the run. Snake loads a new clip then gives chase.
0500/1700 Rule: Regardless of when the last update occurred, you may make actions
after 5AM/PM your time zone. There is no need to wait for an update to make an action, but it is recommended. Any actions that break this rule will not count as a legal action and will be promptly (eventually) pointed out. If you miss one of the posting periods, you will not get an extra move. I will allow posts +5 minutes in so you don’t have to rush your action.
Preferred Attack format: ‘
[Character A] attacks
[Character B] for
-X damage’ [Do not forget the
red, and
Example attack: ‘
Sonic attacks
Link for
-3 damage’
Example split attack: ‘
Chrono attacks
a goomba for
-1 damage and
Ryu for
-2 damage
Example weapon use: ‘
Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal
-3 damage to
Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo.’
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-3 damage[/b]
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][NPC][/color] for [b]-(X) damage[/b] and [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-(3-X) damage[/b]
Simple Attack format: ‘
[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the
Example attack: ‘
Sonic attacks Link for-3 damage’
Example split attack: ‘
Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 and Ryu for -2Example weapon use: ‘
Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo’
[b][Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 Damage[/b]
[b][Character A] attacks [NPC] for -(X) damage and [Character B] for -(3-X) damage[/b]
Preferred Heal format: ‘
[Character] heals for
+2 HP [Do not forget the
green and
Example heal: ‘
Kirby heals for
+2 HP’
[color=green][Character][/color] heals for [b]+2 HP[/b]
Simple Heal format: ‘
[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the
Example heal: ‘
Kirby heals for +2 HP’
[b][Character] heals for +2 HP[/b]
Specials follow the same format where appropriate.
Specials and weapons should be used before regular attacks can be used.
Special users can defeat one 1 or 2 HP NPC of their choice in addition to their special use (meaning without targeting the NPC with the special).
Super Smash Attacks (SSA): SSA actions are powerful, character-specific moves with special effects. They can only be activated two ways and usually involve the character being removed from the game (see below) for a short time. The SSA use counter does not reset until all characters have used their SSA. To activate: either use a Smash Emblem or buy it with some points. They may not be ready at the start of the game, but I’ll finish them as soon as possible.
Removed from the Game (RFG): Unlike in Magic: The Gathering, this is not a permanent effect. Characters removed from the game cannot attack or heal but cannot be targeted. They return to play after a set amount of rounds. At least three characters will remain in play at all times.
Special Character - Gogo: Due to Gogo’s unique nature, I will post his information every round. If there are any questions, PM me, and I will willingly help.
Gogo cannot attack or heal. He is active every round. He has only one special which he uses every round.
Special: Mime: *Gogo copies the last action done (the post above this use). *Gogo’s user may choose new targets. *If a special was used, Gogo receives -3 damage in addition to the special’s effects. *Cannot mime SSAs or actions in the GM’s posts. *Cannot be the first action of the round. *If Gogo is not used, he automatically heals for +1 HP each round, but he starts with 30 HP at the beginning of the game. *He counts as male for gender related contests.
Sample use:
[b]Gogo mimes [Last Character Used] and [Copies the last action as player sees fit][/b]
Starting/Maximum HP = 50
Castlevania: +30 - Vampire Slayer - Characters can automatically defeat two NPCs with 1, 2, or 3 HP or defeat one 4 or 5 HP NPC in addition any other actions this round
Deep Space 9ers: +50 - Reflective Shields - All attacks directed at the members are reflected back to the attackers. Members can still attack
Dream Land: +20 - Skill Copy - Members may use any special belonging to any [Faction] member. (Check character guide or with the GM for specials)
Hyrule: +90 points - Magic Sack - Members may use any weapon unlimited times (weapon changes user after each use unless user can do unlimited attacks) (Check item guide or with the GM for items)
Independent: +0 - None (duh, they have no team)
Kongo Jungle: +20 - Monkey Friends - When a member is attacked, the attacker receives a -1 damage counterattack for every -2 damage dealt to member (counterattack is rounded down)
Mushroom Kingdom: +50 - Mega Mushroom - All members deal double damage for the rest of the round, but cannot use weapons. Negative side effects are doubled for members
Pokémon: +50 - Pokeball - A random, unused Pokeball is activated. Members are immune to the effects
Sephiroth: +50 - Summon Sephiroth - Either: a Guard Armor or Dark Trooper appear; or Sephiroth appears for the round and deals up to -20 damage distributed among the remaining characters.
Sonic: +60 - Hyper Sonic Speed - Members cannot be attacked for the rest of the round. Members may still attack.
Square Enix: +160 points - Job Change - Members may use any Dressphere that is currently not being used (Check Dressphere guide or with the GM for Dresspheres). Counts as a weapon action
Versus: +70 - Versus: Adrenaline Rush - Members may make unlimited actions. Special users may use their special twice (any given player may only use the special once)
Bracket A - Mon & Tues
Kyle Katarn------------------49
Young Link-----------------46
Jeran and Lisha--------------47
Hayabusa Ryu---------------50
Ice Climber-------------------50
Mr Game & Watch----------43
Donkey Kong----------------25
Diddy Kong------------------43
Peach-------------------------46 (Wed to Geno)
Bracket B - Thurs & Fri
Plusle and Minun------------50
Captain Falcon---------------50
Knuckles----------------------50 (No weapons)
Black Mage------------------47
Aerith-------------------------48 (No attack or heal x2)
Geno--------------------------47 (Wed to Peach)
NPC Stats
Redead x3 ------------------- 2 HP
Zu ---------------------------- 5 HP (Immune to regular)
Metroid 1 ------------------- 5 HP (Immune to regular)
Metroid 2 ------------------- 5 HP (Immune to regular)
Your beloved referees - Reno of the Turks and Lieutenant Alexander Munro of Starfleet!
Eliminations (Victim, Character, Player):
?? - ?? - ??
NPC Kills (NPC, # defeated, # sent):
Goomba - 4 - 4
Octorok - 0 - 0
Slime - 3 - 3
Koopa Troopa - 4 - 5
Spiny - 4 - 4
Deku Scrub - 1 - 3
Hammer Bros - 2 - 2
Kremling - 2 - 2
Heartless - 4 - 5
Paratroopa - 0 - 0
Redead - 0 - 3
Cactuar - 0 - 0
Like-Like - 2 - 2
Red Bubble - 1 - 3
Blue Bubble - 1 - 1
Bomb - 0 - 0
Wiggler - 0 - 0
Dodongo - 1 - 1
Lakitu - 1 - 1
Stalfos - 2 - 2
Moblin - 0 - 0
Zu - 0 - 1
Tonberry - 0 - 0
Iron Knuckle - 0 - 0
Metroid - 0 - 2
Malboro - 0 - 0
Thwomp - X - 0
Boo - X - 0
Floor Master - X - 0
Points: Max = 3*cos(2π)*(6!/4) - (2^3)(25^0.5) ± ln(1)
Blk Mage - 281
Stinkyllama - 56
Christopher - 55
Noo - 313
Ryan - 188
Roxas_x - 52
Otamoto - 58
Typhoon - 37
GM Choice - 250
Past Winners:
SSBM 1 - Samus of DS9ers
SSBM 2: Revenge of the Melee - Mewtwo of Team Pokémon
SSBM 3: All-Stars Unite - Roy of Team Hyrule
SSBB 1: The Brawl Begins - Rikku of Square Enix
SSBB 2: Shadows of the Brawl - ????
Point Redemption
Pokémon List:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Summon Materia Effects:
Found here
Character Profiles:
Found here. Enjoy!
Game Notes:
Changes made in SSBB 1 here. Enjoy!
Changes made in SSBB 2 here. Enjoy!
HRB Rules. Enjoy! - Will re-post when the HRB are reissued
Request Info! - From past game. Will re-post towards the end of the game.
How to Gogo - Enjoy!
Game Site:
Overall, found here.
Preview movies, found here.
Round 12 Announcements:
Bracket B is Active! Bracket A is Inactive!
2: No new NPCs thanks to the Stage.
3: There are really only two players that matter this round. The one that gets Cloud and the one that gets Gogo.
Squeals at seeing the Great Llama again. Yay!
5: This may be the only SSA in the game (unless I wish to test it again or SSBB comes out [doubt it]). To make up for not getting any of the others, here are what they can do:
6: Black Mage:
War Crimes: Automatic. -2 damage to all other active characters. BM loses HP = (# other active characters)/3 (rounded up) Black Mage is removed from the game for five rounds.
7: Knuckles: Master Emerald: Automatic. Knuckles cannot be targeted. Knuckles makes unlimited -5 damage attack, with -1 damage to self, for the rest of the round. Knuckles is removed from the game for five rounds.
8: Kasumi: Defy Physics: Automatic. Male characters cannot attack or heal. Males cannot attack next round if a pic of Kasumi is posted. Kasumi cannot attack or heal for this and the next two rounds.
9: I was really hoping that Kasumi would get picked.

I came close to spending all my points to buy Kite’s SSA, but that just activates Debug Mode and would have been a waste.
10: On the plus side of Gogo feeling it recently thanks to miming all of the specials if he mimes Cloud, he’ll get two free rounds to rest and heal.
11: No worries about this being the ‘first’ time of seeing Cloud’s awesome special. This does not count as an official use since it is from a SSA.
12: To be honest, I had a tough time choosing between the shark and the coelacanth. Both me likey. PS: That sunfish pic was a little creepy.
Bracket B is Active! Bracket A is Inactive!
This Round's Weapons:
1 Ray Gun: -3 damage to two characters
1 Max Repel: Character cannot attack or be attacked for the next two rounds. Cannot be Thrown (Gift)
This Round's Dressphere - Square Enix use only!:
Gunner - Cheap Shot: -4 damage to one character regardless of defenses (Hits through reflection, immunity, and absorption)
This Round's Specials:
Gogo - Mime: See above
1) Terry: Burn Knuckle: -5 damage to one character
2) Knuckles: Ground Kick: -2 damage to up to two characters. Targets cannot heal for the rest of the round. Cannot target special users.
3) Cloud: Ultimate War God Slash Version 5: -10 damage to one character. Target cannot attack or heal for the rest of the round. Can target special users. Cloud cannot attack or heal for the next two next rounds
4) None
SSA: Aerith: Lone Soldier: Automatic. Cloud’s Ultimate War God Slash Version 5 is activated. Aerith cannot attack or heal for the next two rounds.
This Round's Stage:
This Round's Mini-game:
This Round's NPC(s):
2 Metroid: 5 HP. +5 points when defeated. Immune to regular attacks. Deals - 3 damage to one character at the end of this round. Instantly defeated by any DS9er or Team Sephiroth special.
3 Redead: 2/0 HP. +2 points when defeated. Deals -2 damage to one inactive character each at the end of the round. They only appear for one round.
1 Zu: 5 HP. +5 points when defeated. Immune to regular attacks. Deals -5 damage to one character at the end of the round. They stay until defeated.
This Round's Faction Ability:
Quick but important poll!
If you want to be polled (no need to enter), please post what time zone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better.
Thank you!