6 asparagus items is all I know.
ID Number - Every item on Neopets has a unique number called the ID Number. This number can only be determined by viewing the item in a Shop or Safety Deposit Box. Items in the Trading Post or Auctions do not display this number.
MIA - Missing in Archive
Active - Item has been confirmed to exist and ID Number obtained.
Searchable - The item name is recognized by the Shop Wizard but it has yet to be confirmed and/or the ID Number obtained.
Unsearchable - The item was announced by Neopets but the name is NOT recognized by the Shop Wizard and is not available yet.
Unannounced - The item image was obtained from the Neopets image server but it was never announced and does not exist yet.
Unobtainable - These are searchable items like the 'Lab Only' Petpet colours and some plot items.
1-Player - These weapons are used by 1-Player Battledome oponents and are not available to the Neopian general public.
So, I guess anything that is "unsearchable" is what we're calling unreleased? There's 310 unsearchable items on neoitems.net. But some items are searchable and not released too. There's 381 searchable items. So, there's 691??