Ryguy wrote:
Kugetsu wrote:
^ You have no proof that anyone is innocent. You have 3 or 4 bullies walking around all unaccounted for... surely you don't believe that you actually have people cleared? Very few people should be trusting anyone.
And you "using your role on me" could have been a couple-use power. I mean, would most people not be suspicious when they realize there's two of them walking around in a game? Yesh did the very same thing to me, but didn't claim that role... and was using limited use powers. What's to say that you doing the same thing is out of the realm of possibility?
...and your name was kind of... um... what's the word... how about the phrase "doesn't really fit in with the game"? >_> Those that I've talked to that know your role name agree (so it wasn't only me that suspected you... just so you know, heck, I wasn't even the first one). BUT... your name has been confirmed (and I believe you know how).
But yeah, no one should be thinking people are "cleared" unless someone has 100% off of them.
Limited use power? Hmm...That's odd considering I have used my role every single night and multiple people can account for me doing so...
Mmm... CMJ said you didn't target someone one night, so it wasn't every night. (though... if you ask me, I don't think he gave anything but "so and so did not target last night" almost every night as a result. >_>
But here's no point in arguing, You're cleared now, but it's absurd not to think that it's odd that there TWO of you in this game, especially when one has died and been cleared, and you haven't yet.
And why rez Ixist. o_0 He told me before he even died that he didn't have any more kills left. >_>