Actually, Roxas_X could've chosen to attack DM & mayan before he died which would've resulted in the Krazy Kids possibly winning. Or the Innocents winning if one of the Lunch Crew survived that attack and killed you.
Consolidated Log File wrote:
Day 1:
Ixist - Day 1 List for Archer, Ability: True Aim
Apex *immune to targeting*
Christopher died
*whhattisthiss receives Christopher's role*
Apex - Night 1 List for Krazy Kid, ability use: Trackin' your stalker
*Typhoon becomes Spokesperson for Bully Boys*
*theonlysaneone becomes Spokesperson for Snobby Sisters*
Target(s) - Ric
Currect Shield(s) - 20%
Randomizer Attack - 1
Result: Survived
Night 1:
Commuter - Anoohilator: here
Poisoner's target: Ataraxia
Tracker - in place
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people - switched
Protectors - in place
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Bully Boys - LovioNeko; Shield: 50% + (0%), Attack: 80, Result: died
Krazy Kid - Typhoon; Shield: 50% + (-10%), Attack: 14, Result: survived
Snobby Sisters - CWisgood; Shield: 50% + (0%), Attack: 24, Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - Ataraxia; Shield: 30% + (0%), Attack 94, Result: died
Head Counselor's effect: no target
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
LAQ receives result: "theonlysaneone & Chipper" BFF!
CMJ receives result: "Princess Miyu did not leave"
Matterbug receives result: "Pixa is not a dreamer."
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
mayanspypilot receives result: SP - Large Shield Boost (25%)
Missy! receives result: Double power
Krazy Kid & target/Firewall v2.0 & target/Disabler & target:
Ryguy & Kugetsu receive results: "Kugetsu's shield was successfully boosted 20%."
Apex & Missy! receive results: Missy! converted.
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets Kugetsu's role; Kugetsu receives result
*shield decreases*
Day 2:
mayanspypilot - Day 2 List for SP: Large Shield Boost
Typhoon receives 25% shield boost.
Target(s) - Firestorm
Currect Shield(s) - 15%
Randomizer Attack - 39
Result: Died
Night 2:
Commuter - Anoohilator: here
Poisoner's target - Roxas_X
Tracker - in place
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people - switched
Protectors - in place
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Bully Boys - Ric; Shield: 0% + (0%), Attack: *no shield* Result: died
Snobby Sisters - mayanspypilot; Shield: 55% + (30%), Attack: 83, Result: survived
Krazy Kid - mayanspypilot; Shield: 35%+ (30%), Attack: 38, Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - Roxas_X; Shield: 65% + (30%), Attack:10 , Result: survived
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
CMJ receives result: "Ixist did not leave."
DM was on fire! receives result: "whhattisthiss was trained successfully."
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
Typhoon receives SP: "Dream of dreamer or protector"
Roxas_X receives result: Double Power
Krazy Kid & target/Firewall v2.0 & target/Disabler & target:
Ryguy & Anoohilator receive results: "Anoohilator's shield was successfully boosted 20%."
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Kugetsu receives result; Roxas_X gets no role
Day 3:
Raffle 1:
1st prize: Princess Miyu, SP - Unstoppable Daykill/Steel-Tipped Arrow
2nd prize: Chipper, SP - Public Role Reveal
Apricus - Day 3 List for Swimmer, Ability: CPR
*LovioNeko was resurrected*
mjrinella - Night 3 List for Bully Boy C, Ability: Bullying Force
Target: whhattisthiss
Target's new list: mjrinella
Ixist - Day 3 List for Archer, Ability: True Aim
Result: Dyl died, then Ixist died
Ethics - Day 3 List for Nerdy Sibling, ability: Unstoppable Rage
Result: Apex - Shield: 85%, Attack: 32, result: survived
Chipper - Day 3 List for SP: Public Role Reveal
Result: Matterbug's role was revealed
Typhoon - Day 3 List for Bully Boy A, Ability: Sucker Punch
Result: Apex's shield was halved. Post-action Shield: 33%
Ethics - Day 3 List for Nerdy Sibling, Ability: Unstoppable Rage
Action: Matterbug - Shield: 40%, Attack: 21, result: survived
Apex - Day 3 List for Krazy Kid, Ability: Malevolent Monkey
Result: no execution
Execution: stopped
Night 3:
Apex - Night 3 List for Krazy Kids, Ability: Tough Turtle
Result: Apex and Missy! immune to death until Night 4.
Commuter - Anoohilator: gone
Poisoner's target: DM was on fire!
Tracker - in place
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Protectors - in place
mjrinella from evil females
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Krazy Kid - Matterbug; Shield: 20% + (-10%), Attack: 95, Result: died
Snobby Sisters - Kugetsu; Shield: 40% + (30%), Attack: 99, Result: died
Bully Boys - LovioNeko; *immune to death* Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - DM was on fire!; Counter: 25%, Shield: 20% + (-10%), Attack 1: 67 Attack 2: 49, Result: died
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
CMJ receives result: "YesItIsh did not leave"
WIS receives result: "Missy! is not an Evil Female."
LovioNeko receives result: "Sufra is not evil."
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
mjrinella receives result - SP!: Small Shield Boost(15%)
Typhoon receives result: Double Power
Firewall v2.0 & target:
mjrinella & Typhoon receive results: Twizzler0171 new team member
Twizzler0171 receives Matterbug's role
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets Pixa's role; Pixa receives result
Head Counselor's effect: mayanspypilot
Commuter - Anoohilator: back
Day 4:
mjrinella - Day 4 List for SP: Small Shield Boost(15%)
Result: Typhoon's shield boosted by 15%
Princess Miyu - Day 4 List for SP: Unstoppable Daykill
Result: Apex attacked, immune to death
Roxas_X - Day 4 List for Poser(Snobby Sister A), Ability: Nail File Fling
Result: Apex's shield was halved. post-action Shield: 17%
mjrinella - Night 4 List for Bully Boy C, Ability: Bullying Force
Switched-in list:
Roxas_X -> Pixa *already stolen*
Pixa -> Roxas_X *ohh, special exception*
Roxas_X -> Pixa *no night list*
Pixa -> Roxas_X
*Result: Roxas_X steals Roxas_X's role*
Apricus - Day 4 List for Swimmer, Ability: CPR
DM was on fire!
*DM was on fire! resurrected*
Apricus - Day 4 List for Swimmer, Ability: Late-night swim
*immune to targeting until Day 5*
Typhoon - Day 4 List for Bully Boy A, Ability: Sucker Punch(doubled)
first target:
second target:
Result: Apex's shield was halved. post-action Shield: 9%
Apex's shield was halved. post-action Shield: 25%
Target(s) - Apex & Sufra
Current Shield(s) - *immune* & 25%
Randomizer Attack(s) - *immune* & 86
Result(s): *immune* & died
Night 4:
theonlysaneone - Night 4 List for Snobby Sister C, Ability: Blinding Powder
Result: Typhoon disabled
Missy! - Night 4 List for SPs: Rez/convert & daykill
Results: Kugestu resurrected to Krazy Kid team
LovioNeko attacked, immune to death
Commuter - Here
Poisoner's target: DM was on fire!
Tracker - in place
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people:
Protectors - in place
mjrinella - all evil
LAQ - evil males
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Snobby Sisters - Uncle Xyzzy; Shield: 80% + (0), Attack: 80, Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - DM was on fire! *immune to death*
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
Princess Miyu receives result: "Correct execution bet, 15% shield boost"
CMJ receives result: "Twizzler0171 did not leave during the night."
theonlysaneone receives result: "Typhoon is disabled for Night 4/Day 5."
WIS receives result: "Pixa is evil."
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
LovioNeko recieves result: SP! - Daydream
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Apex & Missy! receive results: Kugetsu new team member
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets Roxas_X's role, Pixa receives result
Day 5:
Roxas_X - Day 5 List for Poser(Poser), Ability: Mimic's Gimmick
Attack: Pixa; Shield: 30%, Attack: 5, result: survived
LovioNeko - Day 5 List for SP: Daydream
LovioNeko receives result: "Pixa is evil."
Target(s) - Apex & Pixa
Current Shield(s) - 4% & 10%
Randomizer Attack(s) - 85 & 70
Result(s): died & died
Night 5:
Commuter - Anoohilator: Gone
Poisoner's target: mayanspypilot
Tracker - in place
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people:
Protectors - in place
DM was on fire! - fully protected
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Snobby Sisters - WIS; Shield: 50% + (-10%), Attack: 98, Result: died
Karate Kid - LovioNeko; Shield: 25% + (-10%), Attack: 34, Result: died
Bully Boys - Kugetsu; Shield: 60% + (30%), Attack: 17, Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - mayanspypilot; Shield: 0% + (30%), Attack: 24, Result: survived
Commuter - Anoohilator: Back
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
Princess Miyu receives result: "Correct Execution - 30% shield boost, and 1 Night bet - SP! Unstoppable Daykill/Steel-Tipped Arrow"
CMJ receives result: "Kugetsu did not leave during the night."
DM was on fire! receives result: "Successfully trained Typhoon"
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
CMJ receives result: SP! - Double Powers
Typhoon receives result: Double Powers
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Ryguy & DM was on fire! receive result: "DM was on fire!'s shield was boosted by 20%"
Missy! & Kugetsu receive results: "Missy! now spokesperson"
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X receives result: role returned
Day 6:
Typhoon - Day 6 List for SP - Daydream
Result: Apricus is not a dreamer or protector
Chipper - Day 6 List for Drum Major, Ability: Halt Blast
Result: no execution
Execution: *halt blast*
Night 6:
Typhoon - Night 6 List for Bully Boys, Ability: Intimidate(doubled)
1st Conversion:
*Result: Penguin - Shield: 5% Convertattack: 92, Result: Converted*
2nd Conversion:
*Result: whhattisthiss - Counter Shield: 20% Shield: 15% Convertattack1: 37 Convertattack2: 45, Result: Converted*
Commuter - Anoohilator: Here
Poisoner's target: mayanspypilot
Tracker - in place
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Protectors - in place
Xela of Xandra - Evil males
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Snobby Sisters - mayanspypilot; Shield: 0% + (30%), Attack: 3, Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - theonlysaneone; Shield: 25% + (0%), Attack: 26, Result: died
Poison - DM was on fire!; Shield1: 25% Shield2: 50% + (0%), Attack1: 55 Attack2: 32, Result: survived
Chipper dies because theonlysaneone dies.
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
Princess Miyu receives result: "Correct Night Guess: SP! - Public Role Reveal"
DM was on fire! receives result: "mayanspypilot was successfully trained."
LAQ receives result: "gain use of ability: Death of a Friendship"
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
whhattisthiss recieves result: SP! - Depend-a-rez/convert(protected)
mayanspypilot receives result: SP! - Double Powers
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Twizzler0171, mjrinella, and Typhoon receive result: "Penguin & whhattisthiss successfully converted"
Penguin & whhattisthiss receive result: "Converted to Bully Boys"
Ryguy and Anoohilator receive result: "Anoohilator's shield boosted 20%"
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets Apricus's role, Apricus receives result
Day 7:
Roxas_X - Day 7 List for Swimmer(Poser), Ability: Late-Night Swim
Result: immune to targeting until Day 8
Princess Miyu - Day 7 List for SP: Public Role Reveal
Xela of Xandra
Result: Xela of Xandra's role was revealed
mayanspypilot - Day 7 List for SP: Double Powers
Result: CMJ's role abilities/SPs doubled until Day 8
Xela of Xandra - Day 7 List for Snobby Sisters, Ability: Girl Power
Snobby Sisters immune to death until Day 8
Princess Miyu - Day 7 List for SP: Unstoppable Daykill
Result: Missy! died
YesItIsh - Day 7 List for Nurse, Ability: Bug Repellent
Kugetsu's shield boosted 30%
Target(s) - Xela of Xanda
Current Shield(s) - *immune to death*
Randomizer Attack(s) -
Result(s): survived
Night 7:
Commuter - Anoohilator: Gone
Poisoner's target: DM was on fire!
Tracker - in place
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Protectors - in place
DM was on fire - all evil
Typhoon - Evil females
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Bully Boys - Apricus; Shield: 20% + (0%), Attack: 32, Result: died
Krazy Kid - Penguin; Shield: 50% + (30%), Attack: 33, Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - pipsqueeek; Shield: 20% + (-10%), Attack: 41, Result: died
Poison - Ryguy; Shield: 20% + (0%), Attack: 8, Result: survived
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
CMJ receives result: "Ryguy did leave during the night, and Princess Miyu did not leave during the night."
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
Typhoon recieves result: SP! - Unstoppable Daykill/Steel-Tipped Arrow
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Ryguy & DM was on fire! receive result: "DM was on fire!'s shield was successfully boosted."
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets whhattisthiss' role, whhattisthiss receives result
Day 8:
Typhoon - Day 8 List for SP: Unstoppable Daykill
Roxas_X -> whhattisthiss
Result: whhattisthiss killed
Xela of Xandra - Day 8 List for Snobby Sisters, Ability: Magical Make-Up
Result: theonlysaneone resurrected with immunity to death until Day 10
Target(s) - Xela of Xandra
Current Shield(s) - 20%
Randomizer Attack(s) - 61
Result(s): died
Night 8:
Commuter - Anoohilator: Here
Poisoner's target: Kugetsu
Tracker - in place
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Protectors - in place
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Krazy Kid - CMJ; Shield: 5%% + (0%), Attack: 79, Result: died
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - Kugetsu; Shield: 110% + (30%), Attack: *shield 100%+*, Result: survived
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
Princess Miyu receives result: "Correct Execution Guess: 15% shield boost"
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
Roxas_X receives SP! - Double Powers
mayanspypilot receives SP! - Large Shield Boost (25%)
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Ryguy & Typhoon receive result: "Typhoon's shield was successfully boosted by 20%."
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets Princess Miyu's role, Princess Miyu receives result
Day 9:
Raffle 2:
1st prize: Typhoon, SP - Full Rez/Full Rez-convert(protected)
2nd prize: Kugetsu, SP - Full Rez/Full Rez-convert(protected)
Roxas_X - Day 9 List for Rebel Kid(Poser), Ability: Stacked Bets
Result: Special immunity to death until Day 10
Kugetsu - Day 9 List for Krazy Kabin Master, SP: Full Rez-convert(protected)
Result: Dyl resurrected, immune to death until Day 11
Uncle Xyzzy - Day 9 List for Lunch Lady, Ability: Food Fight
Roxas_X -> Princess Miyu
Attack: Princess Miyu, Shield: 50%, Attack: 77, Result: died
Typhoon - Day 9 List for Bully Boy A, SP: Full Rez(protected)
Result: whhattisthiss resurrected, immune to death until Day 11
mayanspypilot - Day 9 List for Meditating Prodigy, SP: Large Shield Boost
Result: mayanspypilot's shield boosted 25%
YesItIsh - Day 9 List for Nurse, Ability: Flare!
No night deaths
Target(s) - theonlysaneone
Current Shield(s) - *immune to death*
Randomizer Attack(s) -
Result(s): survived
Night 9:
Commuter - Anoohilator: Gone
Poisoner's target: *flare*
Tracker - in place
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Protectors - in place
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
DM was on fire! receives result: "Typhoon was successfully trained."
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
LAQ receives result: Double Powers
whhattisthiss recieves result: SP! - Large Shield Boost (25%)
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Ryguy & DM was on fire! receives result: "DM was on fire!'s shield was successfully boosted."
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets Ryguy's role, Ryguy receives result
Day 10:
whhattisthiss - Day 10 List for SP - Depend-a-rez-convert(protected)
Result: Ixist resurrected onto Bully Boys, immune to death until Day 12 unless whhattisthiss dies
LAQ - Day 10 List for BFF!, Ability: Death of a Friendship(Doubled)
Target 1:
Result - mjrinella, current shield: 5%, attack: 60, result: died
Target 2:
Result - Anoohilator, current shield: 25%, attack: 58, result: died
Target(s) - theonlysaneone
Current Shield(s) - 50%
Randomizer Attack(s) - 49
Result(s): survived
Night 10:
Poisoner's target: Kugetsu
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people:
Protectors - in place
Typhoon - All evil
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Krazy Kids - Typhoon; Shield: *protected*, Result: survived
Snobby Sisters - Kugetsu; Shield: 80% + (30%), Attack: *shield +100%*, Result: survived
Bully Boys - Kugetsu; Shield: 60% + (30%), Attack: 53, Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - theonlysaneone; Shield: 20% + (-10%), Attack: 74, Result: died
Poison - Typhoon; Shield: *protected*, Result: survived
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
Typhoon recieves result: SP! - Full Resurrection/Conversion(unprotected)
DM was on fire! receives result: Powers doubled
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets Twizzler0171's & Typhoon's role, Typhoon & Twizzler0171 receive results
Day 11:
Roxas_X - Day 11 List for Bully Boy A(Poser), Ability: Sucker Punch
Result: Penguin's shield post-action: 15%
Target(s) - Typhoon
Current Shield(s) - 40%
Randomizer Attack(s) - 25
Result(s): survived
Night 11:
Poisoner's target: Roxas_X
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Protectors - in place
whhattisthiss - Evil Females
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Krazy Kids - Penguin; Shield: 15% + (30%), Attack: 97, Result: died
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - whhattisthiss; Shield: 50% + (30%), Attack: 86, Result: died
*Ixist dies too*
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
Roxas_X receives result: SP! - Public Role Reveal
Kugetsu receives result: Double powers
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets YesItIsh's role, YesItIsh receives result
Day 12:
Typhoon - Day 12 List for Bully Boy A - SP - Full Resurrection(unprotected)
Result: whhattisthiss resurrected
Roxas_X - Day 12 List for Poser, Ability: Mimic's Gimmick
Result: Typhoon - Shield1: 40% Shield2: 5%, Attack1: 7 Attack2: *N/A*, Result: countered/survived
Roxas_X - Day 12 List for Nurse(Poser), Ability: Nurse's Office
Result: Roxas_X immune to targeting until Day 13
whhattisthiss - Day 12 List for Nerdy Inventor, SP: Large Shield Boost
Result: whhattisthiss' shield boosted by 25%.
Target - Typhoon
Current Shield - *immune to death*
Randomizer Attack -
Result: survived
Night 12:
Poisoner's target: Typhoon
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Protectors - in place
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Krazy Kids - YesItIsh; Shield: 0% + (0), Attack: *no shield*, Result: died
Krazy Kids - whhattisthiss; Shield: *immune to death*, Attack: , Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - Typhoon; Shield: *immune to death*, Attack: , Result: survived
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
Twizzler0171 recieves result: SP! - Daykill
Uncle Xyzzy receives result: Double Powers
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets Ethics' role, Ethics receives result
Day 13:
Uncle Xyzzy - Day 9 List for Lunch Lady, Ability: Lunch Lady's Helper(doubled)
1st heir:
DM was on fire!
2nd heir:
Roxas_X - Day 13 List for Nerdy Sibling(Poser), Ability: Unstoppable Rage
Penguin *DEAD*
Result: whhattisthiss, Shield: 75%, Attack: 83, Result: died
Twizzler0171 - Day 13 List for SP: Daykill
Result: Kugetsu, Shield: 25%, Attack: 24, Result: survived
Target - Typhoon
Current Shield - 5%
Randomizer Attack - 5
Result: Survived
Night 13:
Poisoner's target(doubled): Typhoon & Twizzler0171
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Bully Boys - Uncle Xyzzy; Shield: 15% + (0%), Attack: 42, Result: died
Krazy Kids - Ethics; Shield: 0% + (-10%), Attack: *no shield*, Result: died
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - Typhoon; Shield1: 30% Shield2: 0% + (0%), Attack1: 81 Attack2: *no shield*, Result: died
Poison - Twizzler0171; Shield: 5% + (30%), Attack: 15, Result: survived
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
DM was on fire! receives result: "Kugetsu was successfully trained."
Pixie's target/Inventor's target:
Kugetsu receives result: Powers Doubled
Firewall v2.0 & target:
Ryguy & DM was on fire! receive results: "DM was on fire!'s shield was successfully boosted."
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets Dyl's role, Dyl receives result
DM was on fire! & mayanspypilot receive results: "Conversion: Lunch Lady's Helper A & Lunch Lady's Helper B"
Day 14:
Target - Kugetsu
Current Shield - 0%
Randomizer Attack - *no shield*
Result: died
Night 14:
Poisoner's target: Twizzler0171
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Protectors - in place
Night - middle
Attacks: Bully Boys/Snobby Sisters/Krazy Kid
Krazy Kids - DM was on fire!; Shield1: 25% Shield2: 105% + (0%), Attack1: 15 Attack2: *N/A* , Result: countered, survived
Bully Boys - Ryguy; Shield: 0% + (30%), Attack: 53, Result: died
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - Twizzler0171; Shield: 0% + (-10%), Attack: *no shield*, Result: died
Dreamers/Tracker/Counter-Attack Trainer/Bookie/BFF!/Wannabe:
Roxas_X recieves result: SP! - Medium Shield Boost (20%)
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets JellyFish72's role, JellyFish72 receives result
Day 15:
Roxas_X - Day 15 List for SP: Medium Shield Boost
Result: Roxas_X's shield boosted 20%
Execution: no target
Night 15:
Poisoner's target: JellyFish72
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people:
LAQ <-> DM was on fire!
Night - middle
Attacks: Krazy Kid
Krazy Kids - JellyFish72; Shield: 0% + (30%), Attack: 86, Result: died
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - Dyl; Shield: 85% + (30%), Attack: *shield 100%+*, Result: survived
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets mayanspypilot's role, mayanspypilot receives result
Day 16:
Execution: no target
Night 16:
Poisoner's target: *no target*
Night - beginning
Software programmer's switched people: *not used*
Night - middle
Attacks: Krazy Kid
*no target*
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poser receives role/target receives result:
Roxas_X gets SP! - Daykill
Roxas_X gets DM was on fire!'s role, DM was on fire! receives result
Day 17:
Target - Dyl
Current Shield - 55%
Randomizer Attack - 50
Result: survived
Night 17:
Poisoner's target: DM was on fire!
Night - middle
Attacks: Krazy Kid
Krazy Kids - Roxas_X; Shield: 10% + (30%), Attack: 27, Result: survived
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poser receives role/target receives result:
DM was on fire! receives result: Unable to use team abilities until Day 19.
Roxas_X gets SP! - Unstoppable Daykill/Steel-Tipped Arrow
Day 18:
Roxas_X - Day 18 List for SP: Public Role Reveal
Result: Dyl's role was revealed
Execution: no target
Night 18:
Poisoner's target: Dyl
Night - middle
Attacks: Krazy Kid
Krazy Kids - Roxas_X; Shield: 0% + (-10%), Attack: *no shield*, Result: died
Night - end
Poison takes effect
Poison - Dyl; Shield: 20% + (30%), Attack: 15, Result: survived
Day 19:
Target - Dyl
Current Shield - 0%
Randomizer Attack - *no shield*
Result: died
*LAQ commited suicide*
The end.