Heh, if there was profit to be made before, it probably won't happen now.
There's no telling how many people are reading this now, thinking, "Hey! Easy money!" Then they all go out and break things, only to discover that...oops! a bunch of other people did it too, thus devaluing their broken item.
Actually, come to think of it, there was one instance where a broken toy did land me some extra NP, but I wasn't out specifically to make a profit. See, what happened was, I took some broken Click Clacks to Donny for him to repair. Well, he couldn't do it, and gave me a different item instead - a Mark of Ka-hutep paddleball toy, which at the time was worth way more than fixed Click Clacks. BUT, having said that - it only happened once, quite a while ago. I don't know how often he does that, or even if it still happens. So I doubt doing that on a large scale would be very profitable.
Hmm, though I sense a project coming on...